Discover the coldest inhabited place on Earth, Oymyakon!

2 min readApr 13, 2023


Located in the remote Siberian region of the Sakha Republic, Oymyakon is a small village that has earned a reputation as one of the coldest inhabited places on Earth.

With temperatures that can plummet to as low as -71.2°C (-96.2°F), this isolated settlement has a fascinating history and a unique way of life.

Credit: Ilya Varlamov via Wikimedia Commons

Oymyakon is situated in the Yakutsk region of Russia, approximately 750 meters above sea level. The village has a population of around 500 people who mostly engage in reindeer herding, fishing, and farming. Despite the extreme conditions, the people of Oymyakon have adapted to the harsh environment and continue to thrive.

One of the main attractions of Oymyakon is its record-breaking temperatures. The village holds the distinction of being the coldest inhabited place on Earth, with an average annual temperature of -50°C (-58°F). The temperature has been known to drop even further, with the record low of -71.2°C (-96.2°F) recorded on February 6, 1933. Visitors to Oymyakon can experience the thrill of exploring a frozen wonderland and witness the resilience of the human spirit in the face of extreme weather conditions.

Life in Oymyakon revolves around surviving the cold. The villagers wear layers of warm clothing and use special techniques to keep their homes and cars running. Homes are heated with wood and coal, and cars are often kept running continuously to prevent them from freezing up.

Reindeer are an important part of the local economy and play a significant role in the villagers’ daily lives. From herding reindeer to ice fishing, visitors can immerse themselves in the traditional activities of this remote community.

Credit: Ilya Varlamov via Wikimedia Commons

In addition to its extreme climate, Oymyakon has a rich cultural history. The village is located in the heart of the Yakutsk region, which has a long and fascinating history of indigenous culture and traditions.

Visitors to Oymyakon can learn about the customs and folklore of the Yakutsk people, and experience the unique blend of Siberian and Asian cultures that have shaped this region over the centuries.

A journey to Oymyakon offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience one of the most extreme environments on Earth.

From the freezing temperatures to the unique way of life of the local people, this remote Siberian village is a testament to human resilience and adaptability.




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