How simple Chrome Extensions boosted our sourcing speed.

3 min readJan 5, 2019


In 2019, hiring volume is predicted to increase with 61% of recruiters expecting to hire more people.
According to State Of Sourcing Survey, increased hiring volume coupled with stagnant recruiter headcount means the most important trend to learn for recruiters are tools and technology.

Our clients are mostly Berlin based startups and their needs in tech talents are constantly growing, as well as their expectations towards them.
In order to meet the expectations, we as agency need to make our sourcing techniques much faster and efficient.

We want to share our insights to help you in your sourcing game.

  1. Multi-highlight

This tool will let you identify words that are important to you on any web page and new tabs you open. So we know that the search should pull Software Engineers that have experience with Java, bu let’s say the hiring manager would really prefer experience with Kotlin. You can open Multi-highlight and add Kotlin, Java and now a highlight will appear on the results page. This can key you into results that would have a higher interest and examine those results first.

Linkedin bolds keywords for you as well, but that still is a bit lacking since colours are dull and similar.

2. Clipboard history2

We all do a lot of copy and pasting in our browsers.

We all know how frustrating it can be when you think you’ve got something saved on your clipboard, only to find you overwrote it with something else.

This solves the problem; it keeps all of your clipboard’s history for a pre-set number of days, allowing you to rollback to any item on the list.

3. Auto Text Expander

Text expanders are not just for lazy people. They’re a great way to reduce unnecessary typing and save your time. Auto Text Expander allows you to set up keyword shortcuts for your most frequently used text snippets.
When you consider how many things you type every day over and over again, you can quickly see how Auto Text Expander could be useful.

Typing myadd, for example, could expand to your entire home address, while mybusadd could spit out your business address. You can use emsig to print an email signature that you only want to use on some emails you send, or eintro for an email form letter skeleton.

4. Copy Link Address

Checking candidate’s data has become somewhat of a reflex for most recruiters, scanning through a lot of information on the web in a matter of minutes. So, you opened your ATS and here it is shiny CV with many keywords, websites etc.
Every time you need to highlight a URL and invoke the Copy command either from a keyboard shortcut or the context menu,

This extension makes copying and pasting website addresses quicker than usual. Rather than doing it old school way, Copy Link Address allows you to simply hover over a link and press “Ctrl + C” / “Cmd + C” to copy the address. You can then paste the link to the desired location as normal.

Voila, 4 extensions for you to try asap. Whether it is the sourcing or just for person use, there’s a useful tool to support you. Most of them (if not all) are free to use so you can find out whether or not it’s the right solution for your organisation. Have fun trying them out!

Happy Recruiting :)




Recruitty is a marketplace that matches tech talent with the world’s most innovative companies.