Predictive Programming SNL s1e7 12/12/1975

Thomas Norman
3 min readJul 4, 2022


The scariest thing a white guy has ever seen

This time, Richard Pryor is the guest star, the first time an African-American is the host. And then almost all the humor in the episode is racially motivated. The first sketch that really stands out to me is this one where Chevy is giving an interview to Pryor and then they go into a word association “game” which includes Chevy saying the N-word right to Pryors face. Richard Pryor immediately threatens to kill Chevy. Chase is then scared for his life and offers Pryor the job. This is screaming into the zeitgeist that Blacks are dangerous and creating another giant racial divide between people. The Illuminati wants us to be fighting amongst ourselves, after all, then we can’t rise up and take them down.

“They’re taking over…”

The next sketch I wanted to talk about involved Dan Akroyd complaining about how the Black Americans were slowly taking over the country. But every time one of his family members goes out of the room, they’re replaced by a black person in the same outfit and Akroyd doesn’t seem to notice “until it’s too late.” Subliminally, this sketch would scare certain people at the time, and today for that matter, specifically racist Narcissists. People who are very easy to control and influence. People who are, unfortunately, an awful amount of police officers. In fact, an unarmed Black man was shot in cold blood by the police just 10 days prior to the airing of this episode. And violence toward Black Americans by the police will continue to happen until everyone realizes that race is a man-made social construct. But people without empathy, like narcissists, will never understand this. Not while the media is perpetuating its own racial agenda.

The Exorcist 2 (only the first one was out then)

In this sketch, which parodies “The Exorcist” movie that came out around then, I just wanted to mention that the possessed underage girl calls both priests “child molesters” during this skit. Something that had been going on, according to other theorists, secretly for quite some time at this point and surfaced during the early 00s just how systemic and wide-reaching this was by that point. This is how the Illuminati communicate with each other btw along with preparing the public for the things to come.

“JFK was killed by-BANG!”

The last sketch is very short. Pryor is giving an announcement about the show. An “audience member” gets up and starts ranting about JFK conspiracies. He’s then shot and dies. This is staged, obviously, but this is sending a message to the public, “keep looking for conspiracies, wind up dead.” As if the country is being run by the mafia or something equally evil and sinister.

