3 min readMar 16, 2018

Erotic Adult VR Games vs. Erotic Social VR Platforms

Virtual reality (VR) video gaming and erotic social VR platforms are new trends. The market for VR gaming is expected to grow to 22,9 billion by the end of 2020. A German start-up is developing vrXcity, the first interactive and photo realistic erotic social VR platform, in the world. vrXcity could lead to a revolution in adult entertainment.

Virtual reality (VR) video gaming is becoming increasingly popular. According to statista the market for VR gaming is expected to grow to 22,9 billion by the end of 2020. The two biggest markets for virtual reality gaming are North America and Europe. The following graph shows the expected virtual reality video gaming sales revenue worldwide from 2015 to 2020:

Sales revenue for virtual realilty (VR) video games worldwide from 2015 to 2020 (in billion US-Dollars)

Many people think virtual reality games are for teenagers and children only. But this is not the case: More and more men and women enjoy special virtual reality games intended for adults only. According to vrroom 3DXCHAT „is one of the oldest and most popular adult VR sex games, you can basically customize your characters, and choose different scenes or locations to engage in virtual sex with other players, either in public or in private.“ However, often the quality of these games is poor and they are not very interactive and realistic. Low graphics, bad gameplay and little social interaction are killing the erotic atmosphere.

But there is hope: Me.mento 3D, a start-up from Berlin, is taking the erotic VR-experience to a totally different level. vrXcity is the world‘s first truly interactive and photo realistic erotic social VR platform for adults. With motion capture technologies realistic movements are archived. There will be 900 photo-realistic erotic-star’s avatars in vrXcity and the user can do anything they want with them. According to me.mento 3D, “the vrXcity will be a photo-realistic ecosystem where the user can fully interact with 3D-versions of his favourite porn stars or/and other users and create own content to fulfil all possible fantasies. The newest in virtual reality technology will be combined with artificially intelligent avatars, everything responds to the actions of the user to create the most realistic feel.”

More than 900 top adult-stars and many top players from the adult entertainment industry are partners, e.g. iWantEmpire and Wicked Pictures. Jessica Drake, a porn star from Wicked Pictures, said about vrXcity: “This is the future in the ultimate adult fan satisfaction, and I’m honored to take part in it”.


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Conclusion: Compared to vrXcity, erotic adult VR games, porn and live chats seem outdated. vrXcity from me.mento 3D could lead to a revolution in adult entertainment. We are talking about the first photo-realistic and interactive erotic social VR platform for adults in the world.


vrroom: “A Comprehensive Guide To Adult VR Sex Games“


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