Does Teen Wilderness Therapy Work?

Redcliff Ascent
2 min readJun 24, 2019


Many might consider wilderness therapy as a synonym to boot camps but, the reality is much different. Wilderness therapy uses the adventurous experiences administered by mental health professionals. The professional organization in the field affiliated with the outdoor behavioral health council is now committed to accreditation, effective treatment, best practices, evidence-based research, and monitoring risk management.

The recent studies reveal that the injury rate in an outdoor behavioral health program is less than the average adolescent injury rate. The outdoor behavioral health council has conducted studies on the emotional and behavioral outcomes of the members of the participating programs. The results state that there is a significant improvement made during wilderness therapy in Utah, and the changes in the clients have maintained the positive changes for a year after discharge. After interviews with randomly selected participants, it was found that 83% reported doing better, 58% were doing well. While 81% said that it is an effective program, only 17% felt that they are still struggling.

A review of 197 studies in a recent meta-analysis related to outdoor therapy suggests that the short-term benefits of adventure therapy are better than the alternative of no treatment. It is indicated that for a substantial percentage the short-term growth is maintained.

What does Wilderness therapy do?

Wilderness therapy helps the young personnel by assessing the issues, develop coping strategies, and emerge with a more positive sense of self.

Opening up or Assessment of the problems:

The initial step of treatment is the assessment of the obstacle. Most families comment on who they lack the knowledge of what is troubling their children beneath the surface. Parents can tend to be uncertain about the diagnoses offered, medications prescribed, and will question whether spending two months in the wild would address the core issues. They also believe that the latter might worsen the fragile relationship. There is no denying that once a week therapy is good, however, teenagers can lack the motivation to cooperate. Whereas at wilderness therapy, the staff provides an environment conducive to opening. Mostly, the student groups are of the same age and share similar issues.

Coping strategies:

A wilderness therapy program offers in the moment therapy as a young person is always being observed by staff. Issues are discussed in real-time and they formulate strategies to self-soothe or grow more productively. Most teenagers depend on themselves to solve problems and sometimes seek out appropriate help.

Identity and self-esteem:

It has been noted that a teen wilderness therapy program builds a success-oriented identity based on the idea of self-concept, self-confidence, improved interpersonal relationships, and social skills, and help create a positive outlook with hope.



Redcliff Ascent

Wilderness Therapy offers primary treatment through safe intervention, behavioral assessment, and an environment.