10 Most Common Interview Questions for QA Automation Engineers

Make a Difference with Your Answers in the 2023 Market Under Recession

5 min readMar 12, 2023

Inflation, recession, big tech lay-offs and everything. The market is not looking good. But still, we will begin to see lots of job postings coming. It will not be easy as it used to be. There would be hundreds of QA Automation Engineers applying for the same job with similar resumes. There will be more weeks without even a call.

Let’s be positive and do our best.

In this article, I’d like to talk about the most common interview questions asked for the positions of automation testers, software development engineers in tests, manual testers, quality analysts, etc.

1. Can you please tell me about yourself?

This is the first and most important question. You need a hook to get the attention and sympathy of the interviewer. But you also need to show your technical expertise. Balance it. Talk about yourself, but also provide your experience with certain tools.

I have 5 years of experience with test automation (with these tools… ), including the ability to design (with these frameworks…), implement (under this methodology…), and execute automated test scripts (following these strategies…).

2. Tell me about your current project?

I know you answered this a lot. It feels kind of like a repetition. But do not make it boring. First, you need to show your enthusiasm. Reflect on how you own your frameworks and how proud you are of your role in the team. Talk about the last bug you find, and recent functionalities you test, and include the automation tools you use.

3. What programming languages are you proficient in?

I know every one of us trying to make difference. Writing one more programming language can be intimidating. But please do not include the ones that you do not know much about. Answer with the ones that you’re confident about.

I am proficient in programming languages like Java and Python. Done. Wait for the technical interview and kill with your detailed knowledge.

4. What test automation tools have you used before?

Here you can list lots of tools: Protractor, Cypress, UFT, Testsigma, and Appium. Every day there is a new tool, and new software becoming popular. But these two still are the king and the queen: Selenium for UI testing and Postman for API testing. Your extensive knowledge and experience with these will make you a star.

5. How do you handle a situation when your automated test fails?

This question will give you a chance to talk about real-life scenarios and your perspective on failed tests. I first analyze if it’s a real bug. Check the root cause of the issue. Then, I update the test case, fix the issue in the test script, and rerun the test to ensure that it passes.

6. How do you decide which test cases should be automated?

Guys. I do this mistake too. Be careful, we need to talk about the test plan and test strategy documentation. Software development is a process of certain steps. We need to show our take on STLC. I analyze our test strategy and determine which tests are repetitive, critical, time-consuming, or require a large amount of data to be tested. These test cases are then considered for automation.

7. How do you ensure that your automated test scripts are maintainable and scalable?

If your programming language is Java or JavaScript, here you can talk about OOP concepts. I ensure that the automated test scripts are designed using a modular and reusable approach. I benefit from Encapsulation and abstraction. I use the Page Object Model design. This helps in reducing the effort required to maintain and update the scripts. I also use best practices such as version control and code reviews.

8. What types of testing have you automated in the past?

I have automated various types of testing such as functional testing, regression testing, performance testing, and security testing.

9. How do you collaborate with developers and other stakeholders during the testing process?

Present yourself as a self-organized team worker. I collaborate with developers and other stakeholders by communicating frequently and effectively. I actively participate in daily stand-up meetings and provide regular status updates on the testing progress.

10. Have you ever dealt with a difficult bug? How did you handle it?

This question will come. Believe me. And our answer should present our problem-solving skills. So picking and preparing the best example before the interview would be useful. Yes, I have dealt with difficult bugs in the past. Recently I was working on this specific ticket. I used a systematic approach to identify the root cause of the issue and then worked with the development team to fix the bug. I also ensured that the bug was thoroughly tested before closing it.

Bonus: How Do You Test a Broken Toaster?

I have never been asked this question but they say it is a popular one and there are some different versions of it like “how do you test an elevator?”. I got the reason behind it. So I’m always prepared to answer this in a way that shows how good of an SDET I am by planting my testing approach and skills in my response.


This advice is actually for new graduates and new people considering learning test automation, but even experience colleagues can benefit from it. Naveen is a very skilled instructor and also a good mentor. His perspective can serve you as a roadmap.

You can comment with your advice in replies. Thank you.




Reader, Learner, Tester. Junior SDET. Full-time worrier, part-time writer.