Resistance: The Obstacle to Conscious Manifestation

Gabriele Rossi
4 min readMay 6, 2024


The universe benefits us only when we get what we want. However, we often find ourselves far from getting what we deserve. One of the reasons this happens, if not the only reason, is resistance.

Today we will explore this concept in detail to understand and integrate it correctly.

Resistance: the root of all pain

Imagine resistance as a force in opposition to what you want or desire to experience. One way to figure the concept might be to imagine two rowers in the same boat moving in opposite directions-they will go nowhere!

But what is “resistance” on a practical level? Resistance is the set of thoughts, actions and emotions that oppose what we want to experience.

Luke wants to experience love. Despite this, he believes that relationships are emotionally trying and will burden his emotional condition. Although Luke consciously desires a relationship, there are forces within himself that are rowing in the opposite direction and preventing any of his outcomes.

Paola would like to manifest abundance within her life. However, she believes that money can only come from hard work. Paola does not have the time she believes needs to be devoted to generating more money and abundance. The idea of manifesting wealth, therefore, becomes an unattainable dream that is opposed to what, because of her beliefs, is possible.

How to Deal with Resistance

Our resistance is the FIRST thing that needs to be worked on. There is no action that can solve the lack of caring for an inner resistance. To ignore this concept is to repeatedly clash against forces outside of us that prevent us from getting what we want.

You would be like flies willing to tip endlessly against a glass only to reject that the glass is there in the first place.

It is not easy to recognize and admit our resistance. No one likes to admit that we have resistance to the very things we seem to want most of all. It is a situation that can cause shame and undermine our view of ourselves, others or the world in general.

The ability to resolve resistance comes from the disposition to be fully honest and open to the truth. The number one enemy of this process and the one that makes the path useless is the denial of awareness.

A deep understanding

Every part of you, even those in opposition to what you think you want, exists FOR YOU. Although it may seem otherwise, everything you believe, do, and feel arises as an ally in managing or understanding your surroundings. For this reason, attacking your resistance or trying to drive it away is not only an approach that does not work, it is a self-attack that intensifies the strength of the resistance itself.

The only effective way to integrate resistance is through understanding. Understanding that part of you that acts as the apparent enemy and recognizing its point of view and actions as valid is the key to integrating these shadows. Valid does not mean true or sensible, it just means that you recognize its actions, what it feels and what it thinks as legitimate in lieu of trying to change or fix it.

Imagine you are talking to your resistance and listening to it. Let your imagination bring out her responses. Avoid controlling the process as much as possible and listen.

Integration happens automatically when this aspect of you is no longer ignored and can instead be understood. Imagine that this part of you is now understood by other parts of you and that you can then act in alignment with a larger portion of your psyche.

Lessons from our unconscious

Often our resistance just needs to be heard in order to then allow you to achieve what you want, but other times it is the resistance itself that hides our truth. You may find that what you were trying to pursue is not really what you want but what you had been conditioned to want.

There is no other way

Although it may seem tempting to bypass this process of introspection, it is good to remember that doing so would be futile and fruitless. Every action taken in resistance to resistance strengthens resistance itself. It is impossible to solve a situation by ignoring what generated it in the first place. Rather than increasing the engine displacement spend time removing the jaws and you will have better results.


Resistance prevents the result you seek. To ignore it and try to get what you want despite inner obstacles is to give it new weapons to turn against us. Resolving resistance is the first possible step to effectively changing your current situation. A successful person is one who has learned to deal properly with his resistance.

Have a great week!

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