Getting Started With Munin in 4 Steps

Geoff Cox
2 min readJan 22, 2017


Munin is a system, network, and infrastructure monitoring application that provides information in graphs through a web browser. It is designed around a client-server architecture and can be configured to monitor the machine it’s installed on (the Munin master) and any number of client machines, which in Munin parlance, are called Munin nodes.

Source: Digital Ocean

The following steps will use vagrant to create an entire munin cluster on your local box in just a few commands. This way, you can dive right in and start customizing the configuration for your particular needs. Moreover, having the config in a vagrant environment allows us to make sure that our setup is automated and fully functioning.

1. Install Vagrant, VirtualBox and Git (don’t worry about setting up any VMs as the steps below will cover this)

2. Edit /etc/hosts and add

3. Create Munin Master (this will take a few minutes)

Open a terminal window
$ git clone
$ cd munin-master-nginx-vagrant
$ vagrant up

4. Create Munin Node (this will take a few minutes)

Open a terminal window
$ git clone
$ cd munin-node-vagrant
$ vagrant up

That’s it! Now you can visit and log in with UserName=munin, Password=munin. Note: you may have to wait 5 mins for munin to run and initialize the files.

If you wish to change the password

If you wish to use Apache instead of NGINX, use instead of

About Geoff Cox

Geoff Cox is the Co-Founder of Quizster, a formative assessment app. Quizster takes away the hassle and time required in formative assessment by complementing your paper assignments with a digital drop box and grading system.

