BackupBuddy Proving Grounds Write-up


Released July 2nd, 2024
Difficulty Intermediate (community rated hard)

Hey all! today I am going to demonstrate the compromise of BackupBuddy hosted by the Offsec Proving Grounds. BackupBuddy started with a simple php file manager that was subject to default creds. The website was vulnerable to a directory traversal attack that lead to an exposed SSH key and a user shell. A vulnerable SUID binary led to a Shared Library misconfiguration which granted me a root shell. Lets get started!

To begin I start with my go to nmap scan that will enumerate services and versions on all ports at a faster rate. Ill also save my results for later viewing.

nmap -sC -sV -p- --min-rate 10000

Judging from the output this is clearly a Ubuntu linux machine with ssh on 22 and an Apache web server on port 80. The best place for me to start is by checking out the webserver.

It’s a very simple login interface with a link to PHP File Manager. Clicking on the link takes you to the Github hosting the code. This appears to be the backbone of Tiny PHP File Manager.

First thing I notice is that the code is extremely old. This might work in my favor. Checking on the issues and Security tabs, hoping for low hanging fruit, I find nothing interesting.

Looking back at the I do notice that this application is shipped with default credentials. These are worth a try!

Ill go ahead and take note of those creds and return to the login prompt and input the default creds.

To my surprise, they worked like a charm!

Obviously this site is running PHP, and because this is some sort of file manager I wanted to see if there was somewhere to upload a php script for a command injection. Unfortunately, There isn’t.

Clicking into backup, all I see is a stock photo. You can find the exact photo if you put the name of it into google.

The same photo is in the “important_images” directory. Taking note that the owner is Brian for both images.

Clicking on the image does show the entire path of where the file is located on the webserver.

While I was clicking around. I noticed that every destination is navigated to by the “p” parameter in a directory traversing format with the Unicode character for “/” being %2F.

I tried to test for a directory traversal attack by grabbing /etc/passwd by inputting “p=backup/../../../../etc/passwd”, but unfortunately it didn’t work and the parameter became blank.

So what if I tried moving back a directory by inputting “backup/../../” or even simpler “../../”?

Aha! I managed to escape the limits of backup. With this power, I can view any file on the machine that’s available to Brian. I can take this all the way to “/”

I immediately search for ways I can get a shell. My best bet is that Brian has an ssh key in his home folder so Ill check there first.


I see now that my capture of /etc/passwd would have worked. I just needed to do “//” before /etc. No worries!

Now that I have the id_rsa for the user Brian I need to see if I can log in as Brian via SSH.

Ill start by downloading the key onto my local machine.

Then I will go ahead and run ssh2john so I can crack the password.

ssh2john id_rsa > id_rsa.hash
john id_rsa.hash --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlist/rockyou.txt

I already have it cracked, but the password is “eugene”, easy day!

Now I will log in via ssh

ssh -i id_rsa brian@

Go ahead and run bash, makes the shell much better!


By muscle memory I will run sudo -l to check for an easy privilege escalation.

sudo -l

Unfortunately, I don’t have the sudo password for Brian.

Before I run, I just want to take a small look around. I noticed there is a custom binary located in /opt and even better, it’s and SUID binary!

This means that it will always execute as the root user. I need to find a way to take advantage of this. Ill go ahead and run it to see what the behavior is.


It immediately fails. I tried a few combinations and inputs and it always ended up with the failure. Because this is a binary, I cant read the code, but I can run strings to see if there is anything hidden behind the scenes.

strings backup

It looks like the program is relying on a shared library located in /home/brian/.config. Ill go ahead and check that out.

Looks like the shared library is missing. That explains why it is failing. Because this location is writable by me and specifically being called by the application, I can take advantage of this SUID and write my own that executes my own code as the root user. Gurkirat Singh has a great tutorial and explanation on how to accomplish this. I will use his script with a slight modification.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void bad_stuff() {
system("/bin/sh -i");

Very important to set the setuid and setgid or else it will not work.

Ill go ahead and create the directory and add my C file ma_libm.c.

cd /home/brian
mkdir .config
cd /.config
vi ma_libm.c

Its very important to compile the script on the victim machine, Ill do that by running

gcc -shared -fPIC -o ma_libm.c

All I need to do now is run the binary!

And grab the proof.txt file!

Thank you for taking the time to read this write up! Happy Hacking!



Andrew Niehus | eCPPT | OSCP |Threat Hunter

Welcome to my Medium! I am a 28 year old Submarine Veteran currently employed as a Threat Hunter. I enjoy red/blue team CTFs and Advanced Network Forensics.