New York City Local Law 87

1 min readNov 9, 2017

Redocs is a registered Department of Buildings energy auditing and retro-commissioning agent, authorized to conduct and submit Local Law 87 assessments. Under Local Law 87, Redocs reduces building’s electric, gas, oil, and water costs in “down to earth” ways that require minimal to no capital and result in major energy savings. Our services include water reduction, lighting upgrades, and steam heat balancing. We are one of the leading providers of this service having done hundreds of projects in the short time since the law came into effect in 2013. You can see a map of our projects here. Our clients enjoy the added benefit of having their energy usage continuously analyzed and monitored by a full service energy manager. Owners, managers, co-ops and condos are drawn to us for of our comprehensive understanding of the business of energy efficiency as well as the business of operating real estate.

The purpose of NYC’s Local Law 87 (LL87) is to provide owners and managers insight into their building’s performance. Ultimately though, the goal is to use the information gathered to make buildings more efficient.




Redocs helps property owners, property managers, co-ops, and condos comply with energy laws, reduce energy costs, and pay for energy reduction upgrades.