Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt inspires this entrepreneur focusing approach.

Larry Kaul
9 min readNov 27, 2023


Dr. Eli Goldratt created the Theory of Constraints, the ultimate approach to make complex systems simple using physics thinking.

In the past, it was about putting my head down and going full steam ahead. This forced approach to life exhausted me. It’s an outdated success path.

I created a better way during my entrepreneur experiment years. It’s based on principles from dual awareness as well as Eli’s Theory of Constraints.

Diagram of Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints Method from SmartSheets

Goldratt wondered why simplicity was rewarded in physics and complexity in business. Think about the money that goes to consulting firms.

Simple physics equations lead to Nobel Prizes — complex solutions without elegance in business lead to financial success and market recognition.

Goldratt applied his theory to the manufacturing industry. It worked. He called in the Theory of Constraints (TOC). In one word it’s about focus.


My open-aperture focus approach uses the feels right/feels wrong emotional mechanism inside our being to replace action planning.

Setting tangible goals, planning, and measurements gets in my way. This happens when you stop pushing for success and embrace uncertainty.

The problem I ran into was that when I entered the state of fluidity (flow without conditions), everything always felt right. I needed next-level ideas.

The shift from figuring out what to do, goals, KPIs, and strategies came as I detached from how to create my vision practically in the world.

The keys to success during the entrepreneur experiment include mission, vision, focus, surrender, and detachment. Now it’s important to avoid drift.

The issue is that while I stay open-aperture-focused, acting with intent and open to possibilities, I wonder if I'm drifting when I feel good.

The reality system governing my life includes a “fast line” principle, meaning I move fast without striving when I get the emotions right.

The issue is, what if I follow this emotional guidance but don’t succeed?

Before deciding on a direction, the starting point is to decide when these three elements are in place, and I feel good.

🔍 The vision intent is clear, specific, and emotionally charged.

🔍 Success feels inevitable regardless of external conditions.

🔍 Focus is narrow but open and toward the known destination.

These are the conditions but that still leads to the problem. How do I know I'm going in the right direction when I’m clear, focused, and confident?


Start with your aim.

Where do you want to go, and who else is on the journey?

Get this wrong, and you drift in an undesirable way.

✅ What do you want?

✅ What do others who matter want?

Establish a common destination.

This is simple but profound.

We set forces in motion when deciding on the ultimate aim of life as entrepreneurs.

Who decides?

Everybody in your life that matters.

Leave out your spouse. Drift.

Leave out your children. Drift.

Leave out your partners. Drift.

You decide who matters. If somebody involved doesn’t matter, then why are they involved?

The way to answer the question of where to focus requires these steps:

What is the ultimate financial scenario, and why?

What is the ultimate life scenario, and why?

What is the ultimate business scenario, and why?

When obtained, is something missing, and why?

When obtained, is nothing missing, and why?

Here’s an example from my situation to illustrate the point. Consider this a worksheet and replace the data with your information. It’s a thinking path.

Financials: I want a $30M annual revenue at an 85% net profit margin for my businesses within three years.

The number gives me enough money but not so much that I’m overwhelmed by the business. What’s missing?

Often, there is a different perspective. The entrepreneur wants an outcome that leads to consequences that are not acceptable to the spouse.

For example, if I wanted a billion-dollar company or to build one to go public, that would make no sense. It’s not what I want.

Limiting myself to $5M revenue would also make no sense as that would not be a big enough success to make the desired impact.

I’m already three years into the journey, have extensive experience, and a product that nobody else has and could duplicate or copy.

Most importantly, I’ve done enough inner development work to feel success is inevitable and know how to create from vision, not struggle.

Life: I want to explore leisurely, imagine and create visions, and lead others with the same aim. I want to share the truth from my experience.


Am I limiting myself?

Is there a bigger vision?

Do I risk trapping myself in a business that I may not want?

How do I know?

Focus on my experience allows me to combine my inner development and entrepreneur expertise into one company.

I want to write a serious book about how people find the truth as it has been done throughout history across cultures.

I aim to get serious about what I know and title it something like How to Know What’s True in a World Where Everybody Has an Opinion.

Is it a question of money? Should I set it aside for that reason, even though jumping down that rabbit hole feels great? It’s pure flow to go there now.

Nobody will fund this and I have no credentials or credibility. The other thing is that in our society business and financial success gives one authority unlike anything else. I should start there.

Why not go for a more stable passive income and not invest so much into a big dream like a $30M company?

I’ve thought about living part-time in France and keeping my house. We’ve mentioned moving to the East Coast. It takes money to support all this.

Beware of the money compromise or chasing success.

I’m always having fun working on the business. I'm fine as long as I’m free to explore, think, and create from vision and don’t force results. I don’t feel like giving up anything for a future dream. I’m fine as things are now.

I answered the question to my satisfaction.

The danger is not pursuing the ultimate aim as I settle for a transitional step out of practical considerations due to financial or other concerns.

If I feel stressed from the business, I’ll reconsider my direction. Finding a different way to make money to allow me to write might make sense.

It’s dangerous to sacrifice too much for my spouse. I must integrate what she wants into my area of focus but not compromise on myself.

I’ll need to ask myself again why I want this life that I have in mind. If I get that part wrong, I’ll focus on flowing into oblivion and never succeed.

I’m not interested in walking the Earth (digital nomad), living alone, or becoming a household name. I’ve got to and want to make a ton of dough.

Business: I want to create, teach, and expand. Then, write a series of books on the history of truth. This fits together nicely and makes sense.

I will narrow the book's scope to entrepreneurs who discovered the truth, created it from vision, and use my own historical findings to support ideas.

The vision fits as I connect directly with people, help them find their truth, and lead forward. It works for my wife’s needs around money, stability, and security, which is critical. I’m not compromising on anything, feel flow, and continue to exist in positive emotions most of the time.

My advice for people is to focus on the principles and thought process, not the content related to my life.

Make sure to stick to your guns.

Do not compromise.

I do not want to run a company.

I want a simple company.

I want to avoid coaching beginners.

The idea of divisions focused on content, coaching, and licensing makes sense. It’s a simple model, works for my family, and can be managed.

What’s missing?

I need to think hard about this.

Make sure to leave no stone unturned.

I want to change how entrepreneurs experience themselves. I want to shift people from pushing for results and focusing only on what works. I need to consider my partner strategy and be involved with other groups.

Yes, this is something to plan for now.

There is nothing to do, but considering it in my vision is a matter of considering it.

I’ve thought about a publishing company.

I may keep that in mind, but that’s not near-term. I’ve written outlines and chapters for several books. Focus there would feel great but be misplaced.

Something missing: I’ve got to make sure I don’t feel anything will be missing for me or my wife and daughter or risk “bad focus.”

What about friends?

That matters to me. It matters right now.

What about outside interests?

That matters, too.

I’ve been studying Bruce Lee and practicing Tai Chi again and want to study boxing. Can and should I fully embrace Jeet Kune Do and serious study?

Do I want to dedicate myself?

I’ve talked about learning to play the bass and playing in a band. That was my teenage dream. I tried. Do I want to give that fantasy up or pursue it?

I’ve thought about doing stand-up, poking fun at the political confusion in society. Is that a good idea right now?

What about friends and the idea of travel?

Is it all about the business relationships that become friends, or is more going on with my friends from the community?

How about more time at home with my wife and daughter? Does taking more time hurt my potential for near-term business success?

I will miss out since this is important, and my focus needs to include more of this as often I feel the trade-off hurts my business success.

I just bought Bruce’s book on Jeet Kune Do. I’ve been trying out his methods. It feels great. The martial power is inside. Yes, I’m feeling the urge to do this actively. Maybe see my old Sifu once a month.

When you feel a persistent and emotionally charged direction, ignore it at your peril. This is clear advice I’d offer to anybody, including myself!

Why wait on the areas of focus that feel out of line with my vision, or at least how it plays out right now?

Is it the money issue?

The time that’s needed?

The fear of being too old to train seriously?

I’m ready to study martial arts and learn but not invest serious time or money.

Do you want something now but waiting until your vision is further along? I won't delay what feels great, but I will be careful to avoid drift.

Nothing missing: I feel nothing is missing, even when I’m not doing everything I want. My focus is on my inner experience.

If I always put this first, the rest falls into place. It all feels good and right. The answer comes, and I take the right action to stay focused.

The inner power that comes from self-connection can’t be replicated.

There is nothing more important in life.

Time is wasted.

Life is wasted.

Money is wasted.

This is the most important lesson.

I learned this one finally after years of drift.

Here is my final lesson from this free-range exercise through the mind of Eli Goldratt.

Knowing myself leads to focus and making the right decisions. It’s the only pathway there. When I live this way, the emotions feel great.

Red Pill Pathway offers entrepreneurs, supporting coaches, and service providers More Money Now Approaches and Prosperity Strategies. Attend supportive peer groups, expert workshops, coaching or collaboration sessions, or work on projects.

We spend less time climbing social media mountains and more on creating a business that leads to lasting freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and wealth. Rather than get the answer, I’ll share how to create your ideal entrepreneur experience.

Entrepreneur Vision Clarity Session: You feel the pain of being an entrepreneur and want to focus, get clarity, and get faster results.

Red Pill Pathway Programs: You desire an easier path to freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and prosperity but don’t want to be a marketer.

Entrepreneur Experience: You are tired of playing the client pursuit game for your coaching or service provider business and don’t want to do sales.

More Money Now: You want fast results while you figure out your prosperity strategy and are tired of marketing and social media games.

Change Agent Board: You want a Return on Impact (ROI) for your wealth and desire to transform your market, industry, or company.

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Warmest Regards,





Larry Kaul

💡 My study of the world's greatest minds and how they would help entrepreneurs like us find freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and results 🔑