Henry Ford inspires entrepreneurs to solve their overwhelming problems.

Larry Kaul
5 min readMay 1, 2024


Legends like Henry Ford had nerves of steel. He inspired me to solve mine.

I’ll share my new approach, which became a core leadership model for my group's most advanced members. It worked and is now part of my routine.

Ford’s vision was to make automobile technology affordable. It was a new idea as the industry focused on wealthy clients and car racing.

Ford went in the opposite direction. He had to figure out the car and how to manufacture it affordably. Can you imagine the pressure of this vision?

Here are some of my deepest fears about my current project, Red Pill Pathway. I’ll share how I release them, move on, and stay unstuck.

  1. I will forget some financial, accounting, or administrative details and make bad money decisions. This area is not my area of competence. What if I miss some critical deadline, paperwork, or compliance rule?
  2. I’ve built a virtual metaverse, audio/digital platform, integrated software, content design platform, and collaboration system for a $30M vision without a management team. What if the technology breaks?
  3. I combined inner development, entrepreneurship, and social elevation into one system. This has not been done before in this form. I’ve had success and proven the concept. What if I’m too early for the masses?
  4. I’ve turned my back on marketing, sales, and social media approaches used by most of the population. My content rejects what many entrepreneurs believe is gospel truth. What if I only get the elite?
  5. My time fluctuates between inner work and emerging into the world. I’m attuned to the rhythms of life, not forcing results, and subsume my desires to the vision. What if this bigger vision takes longer than I think?

Try this process instead of tweaking around the edges and only getting incremental improvements. It’s simple, powerful, and yields changes.

  1. Identify the trap that feels the most pressing.
  2. Fully experience the worst possible feeling inside until it exhausts.
  3. Allow the gift that exists underneath the mud as it clears to emerge.

Pick one state, find quiet time, and allow yourself to sink into the most profound pain that you can find — the more pain, the bigger the gain later.

I’ve done this with all of these states. It worked each time. The elevation is beyond description. The word ineffable can’t express the feeling.

Working through all the traps took me three days, but I have a lifetime of experience. If you have courage, you will get the same results.

For those who can’t or don’t want to get this deep don’t be concerned. Here’s a simpler method if you want to improve rather than melt icebergs.

Traps: Unworthy, Alone, Small, Difficult, Weak, Ignorant, Confused, Lost, Stuck, Outside, Incompetent, and Behind.

I do it on daily walks, driving in my car, or during quick breaks, as I’m very busy. Even small shifts lead to permanent changes, levels of performance beyond your wildest dreams, and a feeling of unlimited potential.

I’ve built this into a Red Pill Pathway prosperity creation systems leadership module. It’s designed for the group's advanced members and is part of a larger system. We work on this together in groups daily.

Once you get used to releasing your shadow’s grip on your vision, you can gain access to your unlimited potential like Ford. Anybody can get there.

Here are the experience states, what actions to take, and the barriers that hold entrepreneurs back and trap them in their shadow state.

Wisdom — Absorb the essence of another. Know that you don’t know the answer for them. The barrier is thinking you know what’s true for others.

Completion — Connect to others emotionally by paying attention to them while remaining aware of yourself. The barrier is seeking their attention.

Independence—Let people know you to give them a feeling of belonging. The barrier is hiding your truth from yourself or wanting to be better.

Courage — Show others how to overcome fear and challenges by sharing your own. The barrier is communicating feelings of fear unconsciously.

Trust—Share stories of success despite impossible odds. The barrier is combining marketing approaches designed to make you seem authentic.

Sharing — Allow resonance to happen through experience sharing. The barrier is the need to force connection, projecting your need to be seen.

Revelation — Your stories give you access to deep laws, principles, and mechanisms of reality. The barrier is sharing opinions and beliefs.

Knowing—Share insights to expand people's sense of self-knowledge. The barrier is sharing ideas, not knowledge.

I’m tired of wasting time with limited approaches to success. I’m with Henry Ford on this one. Nothing will stop me but the limits that I set.

When my vision expands, I release myself from shadows and allow myself to emerge fully into the world in unlimited form. Everything is possible.

This does not eliminate the list that I shared above. Those items and others come back to haunt me. I’m sure it’s the same with Ford. I care less as I know that there is nothing to fear. The feeling of power feels permanent.

Red Pill Pathway offers entrepreneurs, supporting coaches, and service providers More Money Now Approaches and Prosperity Strategies. Attend supportive peer groups, expert workshops, coaching or collaboration sessions, or work on projects. Deploy strategies like the one described.

We spend less time climbing social media mountains and more on creating a business that leads to lasting freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and wealth. Rather than get the answer, I’ll share how to create your ideal entrepreneur experience. Stop wasting time on tweaks and small gains.

Entrepreneur Vision Clarity Session: You feel the pain of being an entrepreneur and want to focus, get clarity, and get faster results.

Red Pill Pathway Programs: You desire an easier path to freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and prosperity but don’t want to be a marketer.

Entrepreneur Experience: You are tired of playing the client pursuit game for your coaching or service provider business and don’t want to do sales.

More Money Now: You want fast results while you figure out your prosperity strategy and are tired of marketing and social media games.

Change Agent Board: You want a Return on Impact (ROI) for your wealth and desire to transform your market, industry, or company.

Reach out to discuss details or with any questions.

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#entrepreneur #success #vision #businessadvice #satisfaction

Warmest Regards,





Larry Kaul

💡 My study of the world's greatest minds and how they would help entrepreneurs like us find freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and results 🔑