David Hawkins helps me know what’s happening when I’m confused?

Larry Kaul
10 min readFeb 28, 2024


David R. Hawkins was a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher, and lecturer. His work helped me answer the question and inspired my adaptation of his approach to entrepreneurs.

His teachings are anchored in the work of Carl Jung. They are profound, simple, and obvious, but until you get there, he is confusing, obscure, and opaque. It took me a few years of experience to understand his work.

Rola Reda via Pinterest

I’ll help you answer the following questions in this article.

How do you know what’s happening?

How do you know what’s missing?

How do you know what’s true?

I’ll share my journey through David’s Map of Consciousness and how to use my Entrepreneur Experience Chart to get to the heart of your situation.

I found David at the right time. My experience could have been clearer, and the coaches I met did not know what I meant.

They thought they knew what I was experiencing, were mistaken, and the advice could have been better. In our world, this is standard practice.

How do you know what’s true in a world where everybody has an opinion?

The simple answer is to know the difference between an opinion, belief, or value and truth, experience, and principles. Clarity follows knowing this.


Use the Entrepreneur Experience Chart, which simplifies the Map of Consciousness for Entrepreneurs. It’s based on my experience.

To read about my journey from winning to impacting, check out the thread on X pinned to my profile. It shares how I tracked myself on the journey.

YouTube canceled that channel and banned me from the platform. I’m not able to edit the post. If you want more content, click to find it on this page.

“What did you do, Larry?” That’s the wrong question. What did Google do?

The thread illustrates what knowing yourself looks like. Make sure you can track your inner journey and life story. Share experiences, not opinions.

I’ll give you five steps to know where you are on the Red Pill Pathway or if you are ready for this road-less-traveled journey.

STEP ONE: Determine if something is missing. What’s missing is a connection to the Self. That’s always the case. It’s never about finding anything, such as a purpose, mission, vision, result, success, or outcome.

STEP TWO: Know what’s missing. The feeling that something is missing disappears for those in the right phase. You are ready for a phase leap if you feel something is missing. Don’t seek an answer; change or shift instead.

STEP THREE: What to do about it. When you know what’s missing, action won’t get you the leap into the new phase. It’s the opposite. What you did in the current phase no longer works. More of it will make things worse.

STEP FOUR: Leap, don’t run. Trying harder, doing more, or seeking wisdom won’t get you from phase to phase. It will be helpful but not impactful in releasing the feeling of something missing. Stop NOW.

STEP FIVE: Release the brake. Working on yourself, your business, or your mindset differs from what works to get a leap. You need to give up completely. The pathway to do this is the road less traveled. Seek truth.

If you want help to know your phase, click here for a self-inquiry link. There are no grades, interpretations, or results; only you know this.


Everything changed when I knew what was missing and what to do about it. The nature of what’s missing and what to do about it has not varied by culture, condition, or circumstance throughout human history.

Try this rather than seek answers from successful gurus. Advice is less important now than knowing principles and how to know experience.

Shift your attention from the societal beliefs, opinions, and arguments toward the center of wisdom inside yourself and allow it to educate you.

When my entrepreneur experiment began on September 20th, 2020, it started inside me. I turned off the news, inboxes, and chatter. It was almost two years of helpful advice from successful experts before I found wisdom.

Try this pathway; adjust for your needs rather than copy and skip the gurus. HOWEVER.

If you need specialized domain knowledge, get it!

Inner development at its climax gets you a job walking the Earth, living in a cave, or spending the rest of your life in somebody else’s house.

Have something of value from experience to bring to the world ready to go when you open your gift and find the Truth of Life.

The Pathway to knowing what’s missing requires not learning anything in the limited place within your mind. In other words, get into a quiet space.

STEP ONE: Access Self. It works like ChatGPT. Begin to dialogue within yourself. Create prompts. Make them. Listen for responses. Refrain from being concerned with understanding, knowing, or having clarity. This is the scene from The Matrix where Neo ends up in the Club.

STEP TWO: Trust yourself. You will be told that whatever you find, want to do, or begin is wrong. The attack comes not only from the world but from yourself. Your mind does not want you to give up what it knows. Don’t quit. Remember Neo with the probes, craziness, and attacks from Agent Smith?

STEP THREE: Notice things. Answers come as clues, puzzles, and in disguise. They come from people but also intuitive feelings, open parking spaces, and mysterious benefactors. Don’t try to figure it out. Be like Neo. This is going on throughout the entire movie. If it feels right, ignore fear.

STEP FOUR: Say Yes. The immediate answer will be NO. Double-check with yourself if that’s correct or not. The principle to use is to know that you always know the right answer. Nobody else is right. Most give up right here. I went to the park when I should have been “working” and did martial arts.

STEP FIVE: Take the Red Pill. Morpheus did not give Neo the choice at the beginning of the movie. He was not ready yet. It took two years for me on the inner journey of the road less traveled to take the Red Pill. Don’t blink. The Red Pill means that you stare yourself and your history in the face as is.


David Hawkins used muscle testing. At the level of Courage (200) on his map, energy shifts from negative to positive. This fulcrum level matters.

On the Entrepreneur Experience chart, Courage (200) comes after the leap from Winning to Opportunity in the Thriving phase. This shift is a profound transformation. It happened to me on September 20th, 2020, and to Keanu Reaves as Neo in the “Wake Up, Neo” scene in The Matrix.

This call to adventure happens constantly. You are always being called to be the hero in your own story. Most are too busy working, trying, or chasing.

The difference is that Neo and I felt something was missing, could not tolerate it, and took the leap into courage (200), as Hawkins describes.

The journey from confusion to truth is the Red Pill Pathway. It’s that simple. The confusion is the difference between belief and truth.

Here’s how to know what’s true in a world where everybody has an opinion. First, know that truth exists, and second, it’s accessed subjectively. That’s it.

Truth Inquiry Matrix.

The battle begins after you take the Red Pill. It’s less a battle and more a debate moving into Thriving. For me, the real “work” began on February 15th, 2023, and not on September 20th, 2020, when the journey started.

This is the true road less traveled. It’s not attractive for most people. You can succeed and not go this far down the rabbit hole. I never coach or suggest to people how far to travel up this Chart.

Only 1% of those who go through my programs will go this far into the depths. Everybody has the opportunity. Most will be fine without it.

Why should anybody go this far and leap into the Impacting Phase?

It’s not fun, easy, or recommended. This part of the pathway is a calling, not a vocation. If you don’t want it, DON’T chase deep self-awareness. There are no answers to fulfill your lack of money or success. Chasing enlightenment is worse than seeking answers or fighting for success.

Impacting is about being of SERVICE to the world and improving its condition, using your specialized domain knowledge for the good of all.

Your gift will only be well received with you having undergone the trial of fire. Forged in an ordeal, powerful energy is released when useless beliefs, concepts, and opinions vanish. It takes this experience to become ready.

You can “manifest” massive success without elevating your inner condition to the Impact phase. It’s not necessary. Creation works for anybody who believes, regardless of the energetic level. Learn more about how to build success, which is part of the pathway here.

You are the only one who decides on the right lane to walk. Neo gave up everything to become READY to be the ONE. You can succeed without this but still use life's principles, mechanisms, and laws to your advantage.

What was Neo getting ready for?

You decide what this means. You already know the answer. Worldly success comes. It’s not the point of the Red Pill Pathway journey.

Change the world.

Impact millions.

Play your role.

Not all entrepreneurs like Neo and me need to go to the end of their journey. What matters is using the principles of life to your advantage.

They are always right. Truth expands for everybody who seeks it rather than answers, results, and success. The principles of creation work in anybody’s favor when used properly, regardless of depth of experience.

The challenge is that what’s for you and what you truly desire is hidden under millions of layers of confusion, history, and beliefs.

When you find and open your gift, you will know your truth. It’s obvious. There is a feeling that success is inevitable. It could not be otherwise.

The steps below are for those already on the red pill pathway. You know who you are, and I’m writing this just for you as I wish I had a map.

SPECIAL SECRET CONTENT. This is the mystical stuff for the Mystics.

How to discern the difference between truth (Self) and confusion (Mind).

  1. When the answer, feeling, or motivation connects to fulfilling a need, craving, or lack of something, you are seduced by your mind, not Self. The solution is to recognize this and go deeper into your feeling state.
  2. When you want a result, reward, or measurement, you are seduced by your mind, not Self. The solution is to ask yourself why you want it. Then, follow your emotional indicator (feels good/not good) ONLY.
  3. When you know what’s right but other’s advice will work better, you are confused as you do not know yourself well enough. The solution is to spend more time with yourself. Ask yourself why you need opinions.
  4. When you want to get to work, be productive, or be effective but feel horrible about what you must do next. You lost your way and no longer trust yourself. The solution is to release that thought and access the Self.
  5. When you think your vision will only come true if you compromise, you listen to your mind, not your Self. The battle has yet to be won. The solution is to connect deeper with Self and allow your mind to dissolve.

When you are stuck in the Thriving phase, you must do the opposite of what worked in the past to leap into Impact.

This is challenging. The Matrix feels like a literal not cinematic experience for me. It’s fun. I miss it. Sometimes!

For those in Winning, none of this will make sense, as it’s not relevant to you yet. That’s fine, too.

As David Hawkins shares, no levels exist on the Map of Consciousness. That’s true on the Entrepreneur Experience Chart. Light is everywhere.

We both present things this way to make them easier to absorb, useful, and helpful. What matters is your success on the road less traveled and your success as an entrepreneur. Thanks to Carl Jung, who reminds me of David Hawkins. I’m humbled to be able to learn from both of them and serve you.

Red Pill Pathway offers entrepreneurs, supporting coaches, and service providers More Money Now Approaches and Prosperity Strategies. Attend supportive peer groups, expert workshops, coaching or collaboration sessions, or work on projects.

We spend less time climbing social media mountains and more on creating a business that leads to lasting freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and wealth. Rather than get the answer, I’ll share how to create your ideal entrepreneur experience.

Entrepreneur Vision Clarity Session: You feel the pain of being an entrepreneur and want to focus, get clarity, and get faster results.

Red Pill Pathway Programs: You desire an easier path to freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and prosperity but don’t want to be a marketer.

Entrepreneur Experience: You are tired of playing the client pursuit game for your coaching or service provider business and don’t want to do sales.

More Money Now: You want fast results while you figure out your prosperity strategy and are tired of marketing and social media games.

Change Agent Board: You want a Return on Impact (ROI) for your wealth and desire to transform your market, industry, or company.

Reach out to discuss details or with any questions.

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Warmest Regards,





Larry Kaul

💡 My study of the world's greatest minds and how they would help entrepreneurs like us find freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and results 🔑