How do you become an overnight success?

Larry Kaul
8 min readFeb 29, 2024


Steve Jobs taught me about overnight success. His ability to ignore distractions, stay open, and lead forward through chaos resonates.

The conventional wisdom states you need years to succeed overnight. You must toil in obscurity, pay your dues, and rise to heights.

I’m skeptical as this sounds more like a belief than a principle, law, or mechanism. What is always true and not false regarding this “wisdom”?

It took years for Ray to get big. I’ll spare you the story. Type his name into the search engine for details. Is it a matter of time, age, and society?

What about Steve?

His story is more from the modern age. It’s a cyclical waterfall and roller coaster drama that reminds me of mine but on the big stage of life.

I’ve been up, down, and all around. Then, I did the Hockey Pockey and turned myself around through multiple lives, markets, and industries.

I’ve sold everything from children’s clothing and business insurance to marketing communications and customer experience services. Markets included education, technology, and pharmaceuticals. Customer groups ran the gamut from CEOs, digital analytic managers, and consumer goods.

In my sales outsourcing company, the joke was if I knew the industry of a prospective client or their customer group with insider jargon included. I can’t remember when I hadn’t encountered what came at us already.

This is what happens when you don’t fit easily into the world. It’s the gift that keeps giving today, but the pain that kept doing the same back then.

Steve Jobs resonates with me more than Ray Kroc. He’s the one individual who reminds me of my pathway that cut across the major trends we experienced in the society. The difference is that I was in the bleacher seats. What if that is about to change? It certainly feels that way to me.

As a future overnight success, I’m curious. How does this work?

I will think deeply about what Steve would tell me if he was my mentor. I know he would be on my side. Like him, I’m freed from limitations. Unlike him, I’m not a force of nature, deeply talented, or a world-class genius.

Are there ways to eliminate the time-bound societal confusion and get to the root of what always works regardless of culture, industry, or product?

What are the principles and a simple method to prepare for big success?

All innovators who start with a big vision pare back to the core of what matters. Success comes from building from the base and avoiding confusion. I’m good at that. It’s my natural way of being and thinking.

I’d start with defining the terms.

What does success mean, and what does overnight mean?

This is my subjective definition, but based on history.

I aim to identify what’s always true, not just in our current society.

Success: What I always wanted. All of it. No compromises. Freedom, satisfaction, and happiness. On my terms. Nothing missing.

Overnight: The instant where I know fully who I am, why I’m here, and what I’m supposed to do with my life.

Evidence: When others see what I know to be true, I’ve seen it in my imagination with consistent emotional resonance over time.

Based on these definitions, the confusion over this conversation seems obvious. I suspect that, like everything, “it depends” is correct.

My “it depends” is that I know that the world can’t provide me satisfaction and happiness but that I’ll be limited without being free to engage in it.

I’ll work through Success first.

Success is what I get, attract, or do that’s not based on conditions that can be changed, removed, or adjusted by anybody or any circumstance.

Measuring success limits potential. That seems obvious. Is this a success for me?

$1B company that makes me unhappy.

Happy life but my potential is not fulfilled.

Successful business and happy life but feel trapped.

What if my $1B company collapses because the market shifts, I get bored of it, or the compromises I took to get it created serious bad feelings?

What if the company works for me, the investors, and the executives but crushes the life out of its employees, partners, or society?

What if people wondered what my name was, where I lived, and if missing the kids/friends/spouse growing up was the price for the company?

What if my happy family collapses because of illness, an accident, or relationship issues? Then, I’m left alone with my unfulfilled potential.

What if a “work/life” balance is achieved and the price is my potential never being realized? The vision dies; my family is happy, but not me.

What if I’m fulfilled personally but know that no legacy, vision, or contribution is realized? People who know me got my gift—only them.

What if I succeed big in the world and have a happy life but feel a hint that something is missing that remains out of reach?

What if my focus on the world distracted me from something bigger? People value and love my contribution, but I lack impact in my mind.

What if the world beats a path to my doorstep, I get everything I always wanted, and people adore me and put me on a pedestal? I feel empty.

I’ll work through Overnight now.

How does time work?

Now that we’ve cleared time up, I’ve got my suggestions on how I plan to succeed overnight. I’ll share the requirements and my 5-stage method. I’ve got no evidence to prove my point. Disprove the principles. Don’t argue it.

The concept of evidence matters:

Evidence means that I can prove what I know to be true myself. It does not mean that I convince you, force you to agree or need you to know.

The proof of overnight success is for the society. It’s irrelevant to the entrepreneur, scientist, or artist who knows what’s coming into their life.

You know that you will succeed when you know that you will succeed when enough people tell you that you won’t, and you don’t believe them.

This does not mean your time is now. It means that your success is inevitable. Nobody who gets this wants success to come before they are ready. This is a protective mechanism to help me prepare myself for it.

I’ve done my job knowing that I don’t need anybody else to tell me how well I’m doing, if what I’m sharing is working, or that my market will get it.

Overnight Success Principles:

  1. Becoming who you are meant to be leads to overnight success when you are ready to impact the world how you desire.
  2. The early success that appears to be success often confuses, misleads, and distracts people from what matters: getting bullet one right.
  3. Immediate success is possible, as defined above, but rare as most people need lessons to avoid paying attention to the wrong thing.
  4. Real success won’t be possible by getting anything from the world without doing what matters: getting bullet one right.
  5. Becoming who you are is not enough to feel the joy of opening your gift and impacting the world in the way you are meant to.

It’s settled. I’m going for freedom, satisfaction, and happiness without compromise as these principles make sense to me, and I won’t deviate.

Here’s my disclaimer. I’m excited, not overwhelmed by this task. If you feel overwhelmed by this, you just took on what I shared as a belief system.

The goal is to avoid copying somebody who shares something that resonates. That recipe creates a life that violates all of these principles.

This means that you need an answer for yourself. Dig deep into the principles and beneath the content of my examples. Do the alchemy.

Five-Stage Method:

  1. Shift your attention from searching for gold in the world to experiencing, not seeking, the gold inside yourself.
  2. Embrace your desire without fear, as you will know through remembering, not forcing your ideal life storyline.
  3. Recognize that the world around you is important and that the truth you notice inside your experience is the only real thing that matters.
  4. Avoid the seduction of shiny objects like satisfaction, happiness, and freedom that can be measured, taken away, or not permanent.
  5. Realize that it is impossible to fail as you rediscover the purpose for your life that you forget that nobody else can find for you.

I’m ready to answer my question. I’ve got clarity, confidence, and certainty. The feeling is back, and nothing is missing. I’m no longer confused.

I will become an overnight success when I’m ready and not a moment before. That suits me perfectly. Success is inevitable.

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We spend less time climbing social media mountains and more on creating a business that leads to lasting freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and wealth. Rather than get the answer, I’ll share how to create your ideal entrepreneur experience.

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Warmest Regards,





Larry Kaul

💡 My study of the world's greatest minds and how they would help entrepreneurs like us find freedom, satisfaction, happiness, and results 🔑