What technologists like Eric Schmidt don’t get about artificial intelligence.
Eric Schmidt and Henry Kissinger wrote a book with Daniel Huttenlocher from MIT about The Age of AI and Our Human Future.
The smartest people in the room led me to feel confused. It’s hard to capture the essence of knowing when somebody misses the point.
You can’t argue with them. It feels like being trapped in a thinking circle that goes nowhere. Consider this approach when this happens to you.
It’s a great technology book but missed the mark on what’s coming in the future for humans. They know this in a way. The book is humble, honest, and written by people obviously concerned about the future of society.
I’ll explain what’s missing, why it matters, and how to adjust the thinking. As I’m not in the same league brainpower wise as these guys, I’ll stay away from the technology. I sold it years ago, but I’m not an expert or claim that.
The mind thinks. It does not create. We process the world through our senses. The best thinkers in the world hit a thinking wall. The idea of artificial intelligence comes from logic. Let’s process more and faster.
Computing supports this. It’s expensive, takes energy, and works well. As technologists learn more it’s possible to speed up the processor. Imagine this future. An unlimited processor available to all human beings for free.
The modern AI systems eliminate jobs that used to go to average people who refuse to evolve themselves, get creative, and find their place in the world. Those who become originals rise as the matrix of jobs collapses.
Not much changes. We struggle with the same demons, needs, and unmet desires. The form of the world transforms while the condition of the humans living inside its matrix remains fixed, static, and smarter.
The assumption underneath the entire book is that evolution has something to do with the mind. That’s the flaw in the logic. As the mind loses its harsh grip on humanity it’s possible to transcend it more quickly.
These technologies don’t come from Silicon Valley. They can’t be understood by people like the ones who wrote this book. The reason is that no human being can understand truth. We must experience truth to know.
Society woke up. We realize that the world must come together to survive. The waking moment will either be accepted, resisted, or ignored. Regardless of perspective the waking happened and will speed up quickly.
The processor of the mind runs into a wall regardless of the power of the artificial intelligence system. This has been true from the beginning of humanity. When the mind slows down things get interesting.
Rather than speed up the mind slow it down. That allows truth to emerge from within. What’s inside the truth are resources. These resources are more powerful than artificial intelligence system based on human data.
Those who know don’t know. Those who don’t teach. This statement comes from the ages. Here’s what it means. Opinions turn into beliefs. These beliefs turn into convictions adopted by the society as truths.
It’s impossible to know truth. It does not exist. What does is a flowing state of change. This state must be entered. It can’t be harnessed, controlled, or understood. It is more powerful than artificial intelligence and computing.
Within the intelligence of this flowing state of change exists truth. The record of the history of humanity, passed down through the code of our DNA, becomes available to all human beings on the planet who notice it.
I’ve no opinion on the subject of artificial intelligence, truth, or anything. I know from experience and observation. What that is can be described simply. I know very little. What I also know is that nobody knows truth.
The ideas within this book miss the critical point. Society evolves. Science, technology, and history may be belief systems rather than eternal truths. I’m introducing doubt as that should always be included in any discussion.
What I’ll share is my journey to truth. That does not require doubt. Observations always need to be explored. The goal is to prove them wrong. You can’t prove anything right. Nobody can prove direct experience wrong.
- Notice whenever you feel a strong opinion, belief, or conviction enter your mind.
- Ask yourself if what you think is true or false. You will not be able to do this if you are rushing around chasing after things.
- Realize that you always know what’s true for you, nobody else does, and that the right answer comes when you listen carefully.
- Recognize when you hear an opinion, belief, or conviction. You will know with certainty when you learn to pay attention to what resonates.
- Ask yourself how you feel about the artificial intelligence spreading across the globe. If you are afraid you learned that you are afraid.
The only thing that we have to fear is fear. I could not release myself from fear until I knew that I was afraid. My mind did not want me to admit this. It wanted me to share my point of view about AI and everything else.
This tendency to avoid what’s right in front of me kept me in the prison of my mind. It led to feeling triggered, fearful, or concerned when things changed. In this complex society that’s a terrible way to go through life.
The release from fear leads to transcending fear. In this state the world looks, feels, and is different. I found that the observer does indeed impact what it observes, as quantum physics wants to prove through equations.
Instead of mixing up technology and the human future get clear on a different way to perceive the expansion of artificial intelligence systems. The problems of the world dissolve as barriers to consciousness melt.
As self-awareness expands the mind will be less of an issue for society. As less people get triggered by content, news, and opinion the AI loses its power. The hold over me left when I freed myself from the fear of change.
When you realize why you feel strongly about AI the human future gets clear. For me it’s a way to process more technology computing power faster. That seems useful or harmful as the book explains.
What the book misses is the Wall. The limit of the mind is knowing the future of humanity. It can’t as it has nothing to do with creating it. We create the future together as we harness our unlimited collective wisdom.
Rather than attend the next hand ringing overly serious opinion-sharing mental processing session on AI try these resources and get access to wisdom. It’s more fun, extremely useful, and will help humans evolve.
Let’s create the future together. The pathway is for each individual to play a role. Learn to pull forward into the moment ancient wisdom, reformulate it into modern language, and execute these systems. Here are a few of them.
It’s up to the individual to find truth. You won’t from a computer. It doesn’t matter how fast the mind works. It’s limited. Much has changed since Dostoevsky wrote about the same Wall. More of us are not trapped by it.
The smartest thinkers in the world will support evolution when they realize how little they know, get to know themselves, and realize that unlimited potential exists inside human beings. Technology will not get us there.
Richard Rudd — A way to escape the limitations of the mind and free yourself from the fear of a belief that AI will determine our future.
Michael Singer — A billionaire view on how to find your way in to your future. It’s a simple explanation of the unlimited potential of humanity.
David Hawkins — The Map of Consciousness explains why extremely smart people can’t see beyond their mind. Learn more about how power works.
Stephen Batchelor — Buddhism without belief provides a simple truth exploration pathway for busy modern people to escape from the mind.
Sahdguru — Yoga Science had the answers before computers existed. Learn how Karma works, how inner engineering is like AI, and how to think.
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