Calm from chaos

Mental Health and the challenge of business

richard robinson
2 min readMay 10, 2020

During these tough times I have been talking to many people who have a history of mental illness as well as those who have had periods of poor mental health at times in their working lives.

“London buses hurled past the thought of the calm and peace that stepping out in front of one of them would bring was like a magnetic pull”.

As well as people with mental health issues I have spoken to many that have been directly affected by the Covid-19 shutdown which has cased spikes in there mental ill health. These conversations have often focussed on how their mental state, either long term or short term, affects their ability to perform at work. A number of these people have agreed to share their story anonymously and I will be posting them here as well as on Linkedin over the coming weeks. Hopefully reading about other peoples experiences might bring some comfort to others, if these stories can give just one person a couple of hours of calm thought or a sound nights sleep then I will be over the moon.

I am welcoming others to send their stories so I can build a pipeline of stories to share to help reach as many people as possible. contact details are below. All that I ask is that the stories are kept as anonymous as possible, don’t mention employers, or individuals, feel free to change some info such as the industry you work in. For anyone who wants to share the post with their network once posted then please feel free. The stories won’t be reviewed or checked for spelling, there is no ‘wrong’ way to write about what is inside your mind — they will be published in their raw format.

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richard robinson

Diversity & Innovation — Studying #Fintech @OxfordSBS Member @britishmensa #MBA @richmonduni #Mentor @AllenOvery #Agile @PMIinstitute Chartered @CMI_Managers