How to Fix 403 Forbidden Error|FIXED|Easy Guide by|India’s #1 Cheap Linux Hosting provider|Cheap Web Hosting

Red Server Host
2 min readJul 19, 2019


The 403 Forbidden error is an HTTP status code that means that accessing the page or resource you were trying to reach is absolutely forbidden for some reason.
Cause of 403 Forbidden Errors
403 errors are almost always caused by issues where you’re trying to access something that you don’t have access to. The 403 error is essentially saying “Go away and don’t come back here.”

How to Fix 403 Forbidden Error|FIXED|Easy Guide by|India’s#1 Cheap Linux Hosting provider|Cheap Web Hosting

How to Fix 403 Forbidden Error

Check for URL errors and make sure you’re specifying an actual web page file name and extension, not just a directory. Most websites are configured to disallow directory browsing, so a 403 Forbidden message when trying to display a folder instead of a specific page, is normal and expected.

Check or reset/rename your .htaccess file- Locate File Manager from your cPanel
In the public_html directory, look for .htaccess file.
If you do not come across any .htaccess file, you can click on Settings and enabled Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) option.
Reset file and folder permissions- This can be fixed by allowing permission of 755 to the all the directories which is most secure permission. In case of public_html permission would be 0750 which would be much secure.

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