What is Gish?

Rievedna Norton
2 min readAug 7, 2020


Some of you may not know this but there is a worldwide event called GISH, formerly known as GISHWHES (Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen). This initiative was officially started in 2011 by Supernatural star Misha Collins after a publicity stunt the previous year to get Supernatural to win the People’s Choice Award was successful. It’s a week-long scavenger hunt hosted every year where teams of up to 15 people attempt tasks published on a list. Each task is worth a certain number of points and teams may earn extra points based on their creativity when completing these tasks. At the end of the scavenger hunt, the team with the most points wins. The prize this year has yet to be announced, but I’m sure it will be something unforgettable.

Being from South Africa, I had not heard of this event until I moved to Canada where I have more access to events and information like this. Last year was the first time I got to experience the Supernatural Convention in Toronto, so when I came across GISH, it seemed like a good idea at the time to sign up for it. I mean what’s wrong with helping to raise meals for kids in need (this year’s goal) and having fun while joining other like-minded people in a Guinness World Record breaking scavenger hunt? A lot, that’s what… Never could I have imagined the unreasonable pain and suffering this hunt would bring into my life. Trying to figure out what the tasks mean and how to complete them while coordinating with team members across the globe and doing this while looking after a 3-month-old and a 3-year-old, what on earth was I thinking?

All jokes aside, the hunt is almost over and its been a fun experience which I (and my team) would love to win but I’ve seen some of the amazing previous submissions from other teams so I know the competition is really fierce. It is inspiring and humbling to see the level of creativity that people possess, and I know they will do great things, even in this Covid restricted times. The best part is that you are helping to raise money for a worthwhile cause and you meet amazing people who share similar interests to you, allowing you the opportunity to make friends.

So, if you have the opportunity to join in, I say Join the Hunt!

