What Type of Home Security Systems You Should Invest In?

Red Star Security
5 min readDec 6, 2021


We all want to own a home of our own someday. But before we decide on which direction to go, we have to think about how it’s going to be like once we’ve settled in and what kinds of people we’ll be sharing the place with. This is especially important if you’re currently living alone or with just your family members.

This article will show you some crucial tips that can help give you an idea on what kind of home Security Service you should invest in for your lovely little abode.

Hide Your Valuables

Now, this might seem like something very obvious but since most burglars aren’t out looking for expensive things, they usually don’t realize what they need until after the deed has been done. The best tip you can ever get is to not leave any chance for a burglar to even know if they’ve hit the jackpot or not. This will definitely put them off from breaking in considering that your place isn’t going to be as profitable as they thought it was going to be.

Hide all of your most expensive items that aren’t exactly common and keep it out of sight, especially if you have an upper floor perch. If this means moving furniture around, do so but mind those creaking sounds! Big jewellery is also a big no-no because those are usually very distinguishable and burglars wouldn’t want the noise of knocking the thing over and smashing it onto the floor once more once they’ve already gotten inside.

Restrict Access to Your House

Whether you live in the country or in the city, having a large front yard won’t keep someone from breaking into your house unless you close that massive gate behind you. This is why it’s very important for one to restrict access and control who gets around your place at all times. Keeping only your closest friends and family members inside will almost always be enough considering that they would never want to see their friend or relative fall victim to a burglary.

Now if you do have steady workers around such as gardeners and mail carriers, then consider keeping them out of sight at all times when they’re not working because this may just give any burglar that extra push if they find these people unsupervised.

Have a Distinctive Tactic of Entry

It’s important that you have windows and doors which are sturdy but it’s even more important to use distinctive tactics in opening these things up, especially when there are no people around the vicinity. Make sure that all entrances and exits can be locked automatically or manually, depending on your preference and by closing them completely and smoothly every time you leave and enter the house.

If this is too much trouble for you then we suggest investing in electronic locks instead — they’re safer than the regular ones because burglars won’t even know how to open them without learning how it works first unless they manage to break them down by force.

Burglars won’t go through second-story doors that are locked so you can just give them the slip by locking yourself in your rooms. This is also effective if you have children who love exploring their new home without supervision, using this method to lock them in their room until you get back or they learn the hard way about the dangers of leaving the house unsupervised.

For windows, glass doors and especially sliding entrances should all be equipped with a burglar alarm no matter what kind of security service you’ve installed because these things aren’t as sturdy as regular doors and windows which means that it’s easier for burglars to break through those compared to any other part of your house.

Bug Your House

These days, a lot of homes can be broken into even with a simple window because of the advancement in technology and tools that burglars use but you can get around this by bugging your house to alert you whenever there’s supposed movement inside.

This way, even if a burglar manages to break through a window or two without being detected, they won’t have enough time to take anything because you’ll know exactly when they’re going in and out of the house in addition to what room they’re actually in so you can just call the police in no time at all.

Security Systems Aren’t Cheap

You might be thinking that security services are too expensive for your current budget considering that many people don’t have thousands of dollars just lying around waiting to be spent on fancy things such as these systems but it must always be remembered that these things are actually cheaper than hiring a security guard to watch over your house night and day.

If you do have enough money then by all means, go ahead and invest in high-tech systems that even the best criminals wouldn’t know how to crack so easily because they might not even get past the entrance of your home before getting shocked or something.

However, if you don’t have thousands lying around for an alarm system, consider using simpler things such as timers which can be programmed to switch on lights at certain times throughout the day when you’re not at home. These simple tricks will give burglars that extra push to leave your premises immediately without being noticed because otherwise, they’ll just keep breaking things until there’s nothing left but the walls.

Invest in a Home Security System

As much as possible, do not settle for less than the best when it comes to home security systems because you really get what you pay for in the end. If you invest in something cheap then expect burglars to break through your flimsy windows immediately without even breaking a sweat or making one bit of noise, these are things that sound scary but are actually true. A good home security system should always include motion sensors which can instantly alert you if there’s supposed movement inside your house and activate any alarm that may be installed by default or beforehand.

This way, burglars won’t know what hit them until they’re already caught red-handed inside your premises so unless they have guns with hiding places that you’re not aware of, they wouldn’t stand a chance against this kind of security system.


While it’s true that burglars are getting smarter with each passing day, you can always keep them at bay by making your home impossible to break into without being noticed first. Just remember the things mentioned in this article and you’ll be able to save yourself from losing precious valuables or worse, your life if your house is ever broken into.

If you are looking for the best Security Companies Surrey, you can instantly get in touch with us.

