Beware of state religion.

Why We Must Always Vote — Thought Flare #2

Once again, American elections involve a wall.

Geronimo Redstone
3 min readSep 29, 2022
Photo by Claudio Schwarz for Unsplash

September 29, 2022: The countdown has begun.

The construction of border walls have been punctuation marks in the writing of human history. In centuries before the Common Era, Chinese sovereigns started that series of brick monuments known as the Great Wall.

Later in the second century A.D., the Romans built Hadrian’s Wall across the northern stretches of Britannia. Both fortifications were intended to keep barbarians from attacking empires to the south.

And millennia later, the MAGA movement was obsessed with building walls along the U.S. southern border. Unlike the Romans, though, their intent was to stop peaceful populations from migrating north.

Yet those same red-cap crusaders are now determined to tear down a wall. You should imagine the Founding Fathers are rotating in their respective graves.

Those patriarchs had introduced an unprecedented Enlightenment ideal — separation of church and state, a wall to segregate those violent spheres of man’s will to power.

By the past seeping of the church into the state, Jews were casually slaughtered during the Spanish Inquisition.

And by the bleeding of religion into the state, a Thirty Years War was fought two centuries later between Catholics and Protestants.

Yet now we have legislators renouncing their Constitutional oaths: Marjorie Greene and Lauren Boebert have their AR-15s locked and loaded, ready to blast through the wall separating dogma of the church(es) and dictates of the state. If their caucus takes control of Congress, I suspect they will use bazookas to expedite the job.

Additionally, we are witnessing politicians in Arizona, Pennsylvania and other states favoring ideals that Benito Mussolini would have applauded. Their sentiments are barely cloaked, like wolves in sheep’s clothing, in the white wool of Christian nationalism.

Alas, they would pull that wool over our eyes to hide the extent of their zealotry. And much like the fangs of the Taliban, they would impose their own version of sharia law upon the unwilling American public.

So, we must vote to forestall those invading MAGA hordes who would legislate from fundamentalist pulpits. We must assemble our ballots across every province — as the ancients did the bricks that built that Great Wall of China.

However, this time the barrier must be impenetrable to halt forces marching — from all directions — towards our state capitols and the halls of Congress.

Walls are human symbols. Think of the walls of Jericho; think of the Iron Curtain.

In 1989, the Berlin Wall was breached. Within five years, it was effectively deconstructed, thereby unleashing liberation from Communist oppression.

Paradoxically, American zealots — claiming to be patriots — wish to breach the wall Thomas Jefferson had cited to separate affairs of one’s God from affairs of governing. That would unleash something else.

They would impose their catechism of intolerance upon the nation’s Jews, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, Native peoples, Muslims, atheists, agnostics and everyone who believes in the secular foundation of the American republic.

MAGA apostles of the Orange Jesus are enthroning a single perspective as dominant above all other creeds.

So, the wall that Jefferson referenced is the most potent political metaphor of the sprouting of American democracy. Be forewarned: That East German wall was brought down in several years; in less than five years, we could no longer have a secular republic.

It’s T-minus 40 days to vote to reject American theocracy.

Thanks for your attention. Share this message — let’s make the will to vote go viral throughout the decade. — Geronimo Redstone



Geronimo Redstone

Advocate/poet. Over 30 yrs. of leadership of multiple DEI causes. Sparking insights of the race & gender nexus with history, philosophy, advancing human life.