Building Your Own Brand or Taking Advantage of Already-Existing Brands: Private Label vs. Wholesale Product Sourcing?

Redwan Afrid Avin
6 min readApr 2, 2024


Aspiring business owners have a plethora of opportunities in the e-commerce industry. Private label and wholesale are the two primary sourcing strategies that come into play when choosing products. Both have advantages and disadvantages, and the best option depends on your unique business objectives and available resources. This blog explores the nuances of sourcing products for private label versus wholesale, giving you the information you need to make an informed choice for your online business.

Breaking Down Private Label and Bulk Sourcing

Exclusive Brand:

Private-label goods are essentially made specifically for your brand. In partnership with a manufacturer, you design, develop, and personalize a product to include your branding and logo. This allows you total control over the features, cost, quality, and packaging of the product.

At wholesale:

Buying branded products in large quantities at a wholesaler's reduced cost is known as wholesale sourcing. Then, on your e-commerce platform, these products are resold under their original brand name. Here, you concentrate on marketing and sales initiatives while utilizing the brand's well-established reputation.

Revealing Private Label's Benefits

  • Building Your Brand: You can carve out a niche for yourself in the market with Private Label. You can develop a distinctive brand identity that appeals to your target market and encourages repeat business.
  • Product Differentiation: You can set yourself apart from rivals selling comparable generic products because you have total control over the product's functionality and design.
  • Profit Potential: Compared to selling well-known brands, private label products often have larger profit margins. You can maintain healthy profit margins by offering competitive prices, as there is no brand name markup.
  • Controlled Quality: You set the parameters for the manufacturing process and material choices, guaranteeing that the final product satisfies your requirements. This encourages repeat business and fosters trust with your clients.

Outlining the Difficulties with Private Label

  • Greater Investment: Creating a private label product necessitates a large initial outlay for manufacturing, design, and possibly minimum order quantities (MOQs). This could provide a challenge for startups with little funding.
  • Longer Lead Times: Compared to sourcing existing products, the time required to design, develop, and manufacture a private label product can be significantly longer. This could hinder initial sales and cause you to enter the market later.
  • Marketing and branding: In order to create awareness and establish brand recognition, a new brand must be built through a targeted marketing plan.

Exposing the Benefits of Wholesale

  • Faster Time to Market: Since wholesale products are easily obtainable, you can quickly open your online store and take advantage of the demand in the market.
  • Less Investment: Compared to private label, wholesale demands a smaller initial outlay of funds. Products do not need to be designed or manufactured, and minimum order quantities are frequently lower.
  • Developed Reputation: You profit from the wholesale product's current reputation and brand awareness. This may lead to early client trust and possibly quicker sales.
  • Less Marketing Burden: Since the brand is well-known, you can concentrate your marketing efforts on boosting your store's visibility and increasing your own brand awareness, which may result in a decrease in total marketing expenditure.

Bringing the Difficulties of Wholesale

  • Reduced Profit Margins: Because of pre-existing brand markups, wholesale products often have lower profit margins than private label. It may be difficult to compete only on price as a result.
  • Limited Control: The product's features, design, and packaging are largely beyond your control. Because of this, it could be challenging to set yourself apart from rivals offering the same goods.
  • Brand Loyalty: The current brand is the target of your customers' loyalty, not yours. Building a foundation of devoted customers for your business may become difficult as a result.
  • Competition: It can be challenging to stand out and draw in customers in the crowded market for well-known brands.

Helping You Make a Decision: Important Factors

  • Business Objectives: Are you more concerned with a speedier launch and early sales, or are you more concerned with long-term growth and brand building?
  • Financial Resources: Take into account the money you set aside for marketing, inventory, and product development.
  • Target Market: Find out what brands and preferences your target market is familiar with in relation to possible products.
  • Time Restrictions: What is the minimum amount of time you need to open your online store and begin making sales?
  • Product Knowledge: What experience do you have finding manufacturers, developing new products, and managing quality control?

Combining Techniques: The Hybrid Method

Do not feel confined to a single tactic. You can get the best of both worlds with a hybrid approach! To open your store and make some sales in the beginning, you can begin selling wholesale goods. At the same time, you can work on creating a long-term private label product line. This enables you to use private-label products to establish your brand identity while taking advantage of wholesale's speed and lower investment requirements.

Beyond the Fundamentals: Extra Points to Think About

  • Product Quality: Sustaining high-quality products is essential for earning customer trust and encouraging repeat business, regardless of the sourcing strategy you decide on. Make sure wholesalers or manufacturers follow quality standards by doing in-depth research on them.
  • Relationships with Suppliers: It is essential to establish solid bonds with your suppliers, whether they are wholesalers or manufacturers. A dependable and encouraging collaboration is cultivated through open communication, prompt payments, and equitable bargaining techniques.
  • Inventory management: For both private label and wholesale sourcing, precise demand forecasting is essential. Understocking can result in missed sales opportunities, while overstocking can incur storage costs and possibly lead to deadstock. Make the most of sales trends and data analytics to enhance inventory control.
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Make sure your goods abide by all applicable safety laws and requirements for labeling intended for the market you are targeting. If you are sourcing products from overseas, familiarize yourself with any import/export regulations.
  • Packaging Design: Even for wholesale goods, packaging is essential to product presentation and brand building. Think about making an investment in bespoke packaging that enhances the aesthetics of your current brand or is consistent with your brand identity.

How EcomStal Can Strengthen Your Strategy for Purchasing Products

As a tool for e-commerce sellers, EcomStal can be very helpful in your product sourcing process, especially if you are looking for wholesale goods. Here are some ways that EcomStal's features can give you power:

  1. Amazon Product Research Tool:
  • Finding Profitable Wholesale Products: To locate products on Amazon with a high sales volume and favorable reviews, use EcomStal's product research tool. This may suggest that there may be a market for comparable goods sold through your own wholesale channels.
  • Analyzing Competition: Consider the competition that currently exists for prospective wholesale goods. The tool can display customer reviews, the number of sellers with comparable products, and the average selling price of those products. This enables you to determine opportunities for differentiation through strategic pricing or distinctive product bundles, as well as to evaluate market saturation.

2. Keyword Research Tool:

  • Gaining insight into customer demand: Use EcomStal's keyword research tool to find high search volume keywords that are pertinent to your target products. This aids in your comprehension of what clients are looking for and guarantees that the wholesale goods you have selected meet consumer demand.
  • Enhanced Product Listings: Apply the found keywords to enhance your own e-commerce platform's product listings. This can raise your wholesale products' organic search ranking and attract more relevant traffic.

3. Amazon Profit Calculator:

  • Analyzing Wholesale Profitability: Although EcomStal's profit calculator is mainly intended for Amazon vendors, it can be modified to calculate wholesale product profitability. To determine whether a specific wholesale product is feasible, enter the projected wholesale cost, your target profit margin, and the prospective selling price.

4. AMZ Scraper (if applicable):

  • Data-Driven Product Selection: EcomStal's AMZ Scraper may be a useful tool if it is able to extract product data from Amazon listings (verify EcomStal's specific functionalities). For a wide range of products, you can scrape information about features, specs, cost, and customer feedback. Trends, prospective client problems, and chances for product differentiation through your wholesale offerings can all be found by analyzing this data.

You can make well-informed decisions when choosing wholesale products by utilizing EcomStal's features in conjunction with these extra tactics, which will ultimately help your e-commerce business grow.



Redwan Afrid Avin

A small human being trying to do some good in God's great earth😊