Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Reed Broadhead
2 min readApr 19, 2023


Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that revolves around the concept of objects, which represent both data and functionality. Python supports OOP and offers a natural way to design and manage complex applications. In this blog post, we will dive into the principles of OOP in Python, exploring its benefits, and looking at examples to illustrate these concepts.

What is Object-Oriented Programming?

OOP is a way to structure your code around objects that interact with each other. These objects are instances of classes, essentially blueprints for creating objects.

a. Encapsulation: Bundling data and methods (functions) that act on the data within a single unit (object).

b. Abstraction: Hiding the complexity of a system by exposing only relevant and necessary details to the user.

c. Inheritance: Creating new classes from existing ones, allowing for code reusability and organization.

Classes and Objects in Python

In Python, everything is an object, including strings, lists, and dictionaries. You can create custom classes to define your own objects:

class Dog:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age

def bark(self):
print(f"{self.name} says woof!")

The __init__ method is a special method called a constructor, which initializes the object. You can create an instance of the Dog class and call its methods like this:

my_dog = Dog("Buddy", 3)

Encapsulation and Abstraction in Python

Encapsulation is achieved in Python using private and public attributes and methods. By convention, attributes, and methods that start with a single underscore are considered private and should not be accessed directly:

class Dog:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self._name = name
self._age = age

def _bark(self):
print(f"{self._name} says woof!")

def greet(self):

Inheritance in Python

Inheritance allows you to create a new class based on an existing one, inheriting its attributes and methods:

class Labrador(Dog):
def __init__(self, name, age, color):
super().__init__(name, age)
self.color = color

def fetch(self):
print(f"{self._name} is fetching!")

In conclusion, Object-Oriented Programming in Python provides a powerful way to organize and manage complex applications. By understanding and utilizing the key principles of OOP, you can create scalable and maintainable code that is easier to understand and modify. Happy coding!

