Fight Porn With Covenant Eyes Promo Code

3 min readSep 10, 2020


Protect yourself and your Family online with Covenant Eyes Coupon. Become accountable for what you view online and filter the content to end the relentless cycle of porn. Use this Covenant Eyes Promo code today for an exclusive discount.

What is Covenant Eyes?

Covenant Eyes brings you the best accountability software at your fingertips. With over 56000 subscribers, Covenant Eyes helps you stop watching porn by monitoring your devices and sending a report of your device activity to a trusted friend orally. Its mission is to guide you towards a more accountable, porn-free lifestyle!

Here is some of the features you can enjoy with Covenant Eyes Promo Code 2020:

  1. Family Digital Detox:

Is screen time taking over summertime? The summer holidays and lockdown means ample of free hours at your hands and wasting them away at social media is not a wise choice. Introducing our 7-day Family Digital Detox to help you unplug and reconnect with your family! Use this Covenant Eyes coupon code for a FREE plan which includes activity ideas, conversation starters, tech facts and more delivered straight to your mail! Find healthy alternatives for your whole family this summer with Covenant eyes.

  1. Become Your Spouse Ally:

Porn has been proven to be the leading cause for weakening marriages. Fighting to restore your marriage and help repair your spouse’s sexual integrity can be challenging but with Covenant Eyes we have you covered! Where porn creates a rift in your marriage communication, Covenant Eyes brings you closer in this fight against porn to become each other’s allies.

With our Accountability Partner feature, we let you choose your spouse to monitor and guide you in this difficult journey of overcoming porn addiction. Want to start today? Use this Covenant Eyes coupon code to avail upto 30% off for women. If you don’t trust us, hear it from a Covenant Eyes user herself who claims, “Covenant Eyes is like a security blanket for me and they have helped strengthen my relationship with my husband.”

  1. Train Your Kids To Become Accountable:

Your kids are growing up whether we like it or not. As a responsible parent, it’s your duty to prepare them for the future. Young adults who have fostered accountability relationships with family and peers are more likely to continue accountability on their own. Join our Family Plan today with this Covenant Eyes promo code 2020 for the low price of $13.99 per month.

Through this plan, you are able to monitor and filter the content your little ones view. The “Filter Guardian” chosen would alone be able to decide the age-appropriate level of internet restriction for your entire family. Guiding the kids at a young age helps them build appropriate viewing habits from the very start and makes them less likely to fall victim to porn addiction.

  1. Foster Healthy Communities:

Stand together with your community to beat porn. Join our Communities plan at Covenant Eyes to help your churchor community overcome pornography. We used a carefully crafted set of questions to determine the current state of your church or organization’s digital health. Then, using expertise from working with thousands of Christian leaders, we customize a list of specific actions you can take to protect your community from online threats.

With Covenant Eyes promo code, we invite you to join over 1000 other faith organizations that are using the Covenant Eyes Community plan currently to turn the tide for your community. Get a free trial month and send invite codes to people from your community to unite against online malice.

