How to Do the Google Gravity Trick in Your Browser

Reena Devi
2 min readDec 18, 2023


The Google Gravity trick, a fun way to mess around with the Google search page, is still accessible! Here’s how to do it in your browser:

Option 1: Using “I’m Feeling Lucky”

  1. Go to the main Google search page (
  2. In the search bar, type “Google Gravity”.
  3. Instead of hitting Enter, click the blue “I’m Feeling Lucky” button just below the search bar.
  4. Enjoy watching the Google logo, search bar, and buttons fall under the pull of gravity! You can use your mouse to move and interact with them like real objects.

Option 2: Direct Link

  1. You can bypass the search step by directly accessing the Google Gravity page through this link:
  2. This will immediately take you to the interactive page where you can play with the falling elements.

Bonus Tips:

  • Try tilting your screen or device. This can add an extra layer of fun as the falling elements respond to your movement.
  • Experiment with clicking and dragging different parts of the page.
  • Remember, you can always return to the normal Google search page by simply refreshing your browser.

Additional Info:

  • The Google Gravity trick is an unofficial easter egg created by an independent developer.
  • While it’s not directly maintained by Google, it’s been around for many years and is still accessible for some fun diversion.


The Google Gravity trick is a fun and interactive easter egg that anyone can access in their browser. With either a simple search and click or a direct link, you can enjoy watching the Google logo, search bar, and buttons tumble under the pull of gravity. You can even tilt your screen, click and drag elements, and experience it just like a playful virtual physics simulation. Remember, you can always return to the normal Google search page with a quick refresh. While not officially maintained by Google, the Gravity trick remains a delightful hidden gem on the web, proving that sometimes the most entertaining experiences come from unexpected places.

Feel free to explore this trick and share it with others! Who knows, maybe you’ll discover some hidden secrets within the falling elements. If you have any other curiosity about the web or other easter eggs, I’m happy to help you on your journey of discovery.



Reena Devi

Reena is an experienced writer and writes about technology, & other related topics. When she is not writing, she loves to watch movies and play with her kid.