When Loudness Takes Over: The Epic Saga of a BeatStars Legend

Reevez Beatz
3 min readApr 7, 2023


Once upon a time, in a world where streaming platforms reigned supreme, there was a music producer who went by the name of BassBoss69. His one goal in life? To out-blast every other beat on the internet. Mixing? Balance? Quality? HAH, who needs those? It was all about the volume baby.

BassBoss69 knew his beats were being buried beneath the earth-shattering tracks from other producers. They were winning the hearts (and ears) of the BeatStars generation. Our hero needed to level up and join the ranks of the volume-obsessed elite. So, with determination in his heart and an unhealthy dose of ego, BassBoss69 set out on a quest for ultimate loudness.

His journey took him deep into the treacherous realm of the Dynamic Range Destroyer. He navigated through sensational valleys of distortion and waded through swamps of bass-heavy mud. All the while, he rolled his eyes at the puny sounds of well-balanced mixes. What were those, ASMR tracks for sleeping? HAH! Nah, he wanted to make noise that could bring down walls.

But, of course, every epic quest has its challenges. Enter the dreaded Streaming Services – the gatekeepers of the Loudness Wars. They warned BassBoss69 of the perils of chasing extreme volume. ‘Loudness normalization will make your songs sound even quieter!’ they cried. But our hero just laughed and dabbed on ‘em, continuing his fearless pursuit of decibel domination.

After countless sleepless nights and an untold number of busted eardrums, BassBoss69 finally discovered the legendary Brickwall Limiter. This was it – the key to unlocking the secret of insane crazy crazy loudness. He handed over his mix like it was his firstborn child, and the Brickwall Limiter worked its magic, transforming it into a sonic boom.

BassBoss69 returned to his kingdom of BeatStars, armed with the loudest beats the world had ever known. But, plot twist: the Streaming Services had already won the Loudness Wars, and his beats were basically nerfed. Still, our hero reveled in his newfound fame as random listeners across the globe scrambled for their volume buttons, trying to protect their precious ears from the onslaught of decibels.

In the end, BassBoss69's lust for loudness had unintended consequences. His tracks were heard around the world, but they were never celebrated for their art or quality. Instead, they became a meme – a testament to one man’s misguided quest for volume above all else. As fate would have it, BassBoss69 ended up destroying his own ears, a cruel twist of irony for someone who had sought to conquer the world of sound.

So, let’s all hit that ‘clap’ button for BassBoss69, the brave (and kinda foolish) music producer who taught us a crucial lesson: louder isn’t always better, but it sure can make you go viral – even if it costs you your hearing.

Yours truly,

Reevez Beatz

🎧 Music Producer who likes to write occasionally

🔥 Mostly Trapbeats, Rapbeats, Trapsoul and R&B beats

👇 Find Beats now (don’t worry – they are safe for your ears to hear)



Reevez Beatz

🎧Music Producer who likes to write occasionally 🔥Mostly Trapbeats, Rapbeats, Trapsoul and R&B beats