You deserve a smarter reading list — we are building it

Stop piling up and start reading.

4 min readMay 7, 2020

Reading lists are great. You come across an interesting article on the web, don’t have time to read it then and there, and save it to read it later.

Except…often you don’t read it later. Your reading list becomes a guilt-inducing pile of articles you promised yourself to read later, and it just keeps growing. The median reading list on Refind has 106 unread articles on it — for heavy users, it’s 286. The problem isn’t with you, though, the problem is with how your reading list works (and a little bit with the universe that only gave us limited time, but that’s for someone else to solve).

That’s why we at Refind are committed building a reading list that helps you actually read what you wanted to read. Introducing:

Read Next — making your reading list smart

  • Recently started reading an article? You might want to finish that one.
  • A lot of people are reading this article you saved a week ago? Now might be a good time to read it.
  • Your interest in running has increased again? Let us find that unread article on your reading list.

From everything you’ve saved to your reading list, our algorithm predicts what you might want to read next, using more than a dozen signals. This happens in the background, so each time you open your reading list, you get the algorithm’s latest prediction.

Here’s how we do that (slightly simplified):

So at each moment, we show you exactly one article from your reading list, our best guess for what you’ll want to read next. No decision paralysis, no time lost choosing what to read — just start reading.

And then what?

  • Done with our suggested read and in the mood for another long read? We take you to the next best read in that category. And the next. And the next.
  • Need something different? With the click of a button, you’re in the next category.
  • If, at times, you prefer an ordinary list with options to sort and filter, you still have that, of course.

✨ There is more ✨

Our mission is to help you not just discover interesting content, but actually read it. Helping you find your best next read whenever you access your reading list is about minimizing friction once you’re in your reading list. But what if you never even get to your reading list? How can we help with this issue?

One of the main reasons you never get to your reading list is that the way the internet works, it constantly keeps you in discovery mode. You are always exposed to new stuff — which only makes your read-later-pile larger. So we consciously make room for taking in what you discovered earlier.

  • We pick 10 new links for you every day — once you’ve seen them, we put Read Next front and center for the rest of the day.
  • When you search on Refind or browse topic pages — on leadership, photography, articifical intelligence or whatever you’re currently interested in — we also show you matching articles already on your reading list.
  • Read Next will also be integrated in a big new feature we’re working on, creating another touchpoint allowing you to slow down and catch up.

👩‍💻 We’d like your feedback 👨‍💻

We’re only getting started…How do you like Read Next so far? What signals should our algorithm give a lot of weight to? What else would help you get more reading done? Let us know.

🎁 Ready to try it out? 🎁

Sign up for Refind and import your existing reading list (from Pocket, Instapaper or from a list of bookmarks).

What is Refind?

Refind helps you make the most of the web. Spend your time on what’s worth your attention.

Discover. Every day we pick the 10 most relevant links from around the web for you. More signal, less noise.

Read. Our smart reading list gives you the right article to read, at the right moment. Get more reading done.

Find again. Save links, organize them in collections and we have them ready for you, whenever you need them again.

Learn more and sign up for free.

Icon: Created by Ale Estrada from the Noun Project




Refind helps you make the most of the web. Spend your time on what’s worth your attention. Learn more at: