27 Ideas to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Liz Huber
3 min readJul 6, 2018


  1. Get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation will mess with your focus, mood and decision making.
  2. Separate planning from execution. Know exactly what you need to do before you start something. Set specific times for planning.
  3. Do your research before jumping into a new project. Learning what you need to know will make you more efficient.
  4. Use the Urgent vs. Important Matrix to prioritise your tasks. Eliminate busywork and time-wasters and focus on non-urgent important work.
  5. Plan your day the night before. This will save you the time in the morning you need to figure out what to do.
  6. Work in your personal peak times. Don’t waste your prime time doing things you could also do when your mind and body are tired.
  7. Do your most important task first thing in the morning. Win your day early instead of postponing the important stuff every day.
  8. Batch similar tasks together and complete them in one go. Whether it is writing blogposts, paying bills or posting on social media.
  9. Only attend meetings where your presence is essential. Skip the rest.
  10. Prioritise the tasks that are directly related to your goals. Even better: prioritise the tasks with the highest impact on your goals.
  11. Plan your week before it starts. This way you don’t fall into the trap of becoming a slave to other people’s priorities.
  12. Reflect on your week. What worked well? What needs to be improved?
  13. Track your progress. Whatever you want to achieve, define a metric of success. Use it to evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies.
  14. Ask yourself: “What can I do to make my daily tasks faster, easier or obsolete?” Spend your time on these high-leverage tasks.
  15. Design your no-distraction environment. Create systems for dealing with incoming messages, procrastination and other distractions.
  16. Take breaks. Your brain needs these refreshers.
  17. Know your goals and priorities. Then, pro-actively block time for them.
  18. Get into flow state for several hours. Deep work is the super-power of the 21st century. Use it!
  19. Operate on a default schedule that is designed to produce your best work. Implement powerful habits and routines that will keep you focused and energised all day.
  20. Do work that aligns with your strengths. Delegate the rest.
  21. Focus on building long-lasting relationships. These are the things that will have a 10x impact on your goals.
  22. Eat 4 – 5 small healthy meals throughout the day. Going hungry or over-eating negatively impact your focus and energy levels.
  23. Calm your Monkey Mind. Chronic stress and anxiety are poison for your productivity.
  24. Do one thing at a time. There is no glory in multi-tasking. If you do something, give it your all.
  25. Be mindful. Listen to your body and give it what it needs. Hungry? Eat. Tired? Rest. Stressed? Relax.
  26. Use technology to optimise or automate repetitive tasks.
  27. Question everything you do. Some things should not be done at all.


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