How to Get to the Next Level of your Personal Growth

Liz Huber
3 min readAug 30, 2018

You have read enough Medium articles to know what it takes to be successful and why most people never will be. You understand the ins and outs of building a powerful morning routine and the hard truths of being an Entrepreneur. You learned how to accelerate your learning, get a mentor and invest in yourself.

But there is something missing. It’s these 5 elements of true personal growth:

1. Making the Decision to Change

The truth is, you could read about personal development 2 hours every day and still don’t change a thing in your life.

Which is okay — if you are merely interested in personal development, but not actually committed to it.

All these articles out there, they are here to inspire you. To motivate you to start your own journey. To give you the tools and information you need to make it happen. And because of this, they can be really really powerful.

Because the good stuff here on Medium is created by people that know what they are talking about. They are sharing first hand experience. They are sharing their own journey to become better and achieve their dreams.

And it all started with a conscious choice. The choice to take what you have learned, reflect on it, make a plan…

