Why You Need a Coach, Not a Mentor

And The Key Difference That Matters Most

Liz Huber
7 min readApr 5, 2019
Photo by Joshua Ness on Unsplash

I recently got a brave message on LinkedIn saying:

“Hey Liz, I read your article on Medium on ‘starting your business while working full time” Those steps really helped me! I’m looking for a mentor to help me achieve my goal of starting a company whilst working a full-time job. Please be my mentor? I would love to learn from you!”

Very brave indeed, I thought. I love when people take initiative. When they put themselves out there, even when it’s uncomfortable. Even when they might be rejected. That shows drive. Hunger. Ambition.

But also humility.

I have big goals and I need help achieving them. It takes a lot to have that self-awareness. And then act on it.

There was only one problem: I am a professional coach, not a mentor.

So I replied:

“Hi x! Thanks so much for reaching out.

I am glad you liked my article! Since I work as a professional coach, I don’t take on mentees but I help entrepreneurs achieve their goals in my 1-on-1 coaching programs (which I believe is even more powerful than mentoring).

