‘Agile’ vs ‘agile’

Marco Dorantes
1 min readJun 9, 2018

In what sense Developers Should Abandon “Agile”?

Developers should abandon many, many, anti-patterns, not just “Agile” –with capital “A”–; for example, they should abandon the practice of uncritically follow the snake’s oil (hype) of marketing. They also should abandon unwarranted beliefs like those that presuppose practicing architecture is not part of their daily developer accountabilities.

Etc., etc., etc.

The primordial root problem behind many anti-patterns goes way deep into our cognitive maturity; for example, our interpretation skills. Different levels of interpretation dexterity could explain two complete divergent ways of professional life: one referred as “Agile” –with capital “A”– and the other referred just as “agile” in this talk: GOTO 2015 • Agile is Dead • Pragmatic Dave Thomas.



Marco Dorantes

Reflective software craftsman and systems thinking enthusiast.