Reflect Studio is now a B-Corp. What does this exactly mean?

Reflect Studio
3 min readJan 23, 2020


Reflect Studio is now part of the B-Corp family. As an expanding economy worldwide, B Corporation involves more than 3,000 companies in 71 countries around the world. But what does it mean exactly to be a ‘B-Corp’ business?

At Reflect Studio, sustainable production and radical transparency have always been at the heart of our identity. We accomplished this by keeping a respectful and conscious attitude at every stage of the production, both environmentally and socially. Being a B-Corp is a stamp of approval that this attitude is accepted worldwide and this approval comes as a result of a detailed examination process.

Being approved as a B-Corp is a result of a long series of assessments. In these assessments, various criteria such as impact measurements of our production and our effects on the environment, employee rights and benefits, company management and transparency and social impact of the company are merged together to provide a conclusion about our consistency and reliability. One of the key points during the assessment process is that we provide a balance between our profit and purpose since ‘B-Corp’ defines an economy where a brand’s success depends not only on monetary but also on social and environmental value.

We are proud to be a participating leader of this new economy. During the social transformations around the world, we can’t solely expect the governments and nonprofits to give out an answer on change. We believe that every institution should show great respect to their surrounding geography and to its employees. Corporations have to minimize the harm and aim for benefit through the products and services they offer because every product in the global economy brings a responsibility that encompasses a global audience, environment and our future generations.

The textile industry is one of the most environmentally harmful industries worldwide. The reason for this harm comes from the industrial revolution and the textile technologies that have been used ever since. During the production, the amount of waste produced and toxins emitted reaches an amount that multiplies the products themselves. Also due to the constraints in the fabrication process, the number of products that ‘has to be’ produced and therefore ‘has to be’ marketed serve the consumption culture rather than any need.

We also roam in this industry, yet standing on the positive side of it keeps us proud. Instead of participating in this extreme production, we surpass it by using sustainable methods throughout our process. We produce high quality and long-lasting products, always respecting the materials we use and the hands that make it into what we are proud of.



Reflect Studio

Reflect Studio is a design + manufacturing office focusing on garments and everyday objects.