How to set up your Nyzo mesh verifier node on ubuntu 16.04

3 min readOct 25, 2018


This short tutorial will explain in detail how to set up your own Nyzo mesh verifier node.
For more information about the Nyzo project visit the Nyzo website.

If you plan on using Amazon web services (AWS), read the tutorial on the Nyzo github.
Since AWS cloud servers are fairly expensive, this tutorial will be specifically for Ubuntu 16.04 systems, irregardless of hosting provider.

I can recommend Vultr as an AWS alternative, they provide high quality servers at a very low rate.

Click here to signup on

After adding a payment method, go to the ‘Servers’ tab and click on the ‘+’ icon.

Next, select a location, it doesn’t matter where (but maybe to ensure optimal speed, don’t select an Australian city). Underneath, select Ubuntu 16.04.

Select the $10 Vultr node and click ‘Deploy now’.

Go back to the Servers tab and go to the ‘Server details’ page.
Here you will find the server IP address and password.

Open command prompt and type in ‘ssh root@’. Replace this IP address with the IP address of your server. Log in with the provided password.

Now it is time to create a script that will configure our ports, install the node and add our node as a cronjob (in case of a reboot, the node will restart automatically).

Type the following command into your window:

This will open a text-based ‘Notepad’.

Paste the following script in the notepad. (Thanks to @luf0o)
Don’t forget to create your own username by replacing the placeholder!

cd /home/
mkdir ubuntu
cd ubuntu
sudo ufw allow 9444/tcp
sudo apt update
sudo apt install haveged -y
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk -y
sudo apt install supervisor -y
git clone
cd nyzoVerifier
./gradlew build
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/nyzo/production
sudo cp trusted_entry_points /var/lib/nyzo/production
sudo cp nyzoVerifier.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d
sudo bash -c 'echo "INSERT YOUR USERNAME HERE" > /var/lib/nyzo/production/nickname'
sudo supervisorctl reload
sudo supervisorctl status
echo "@reboot sudo supervisorctl reload" >> mycron
crontab mycron
rm mycron

After that is pasted, save with CTRL + O and go back to where you were before with CTRL +X.

Now it is time to give this script the necessary permissions, execute the following command to do this.
chmod +x

Finally, let the script do its thing (which should take about 5 minutes).

When the script is finished, extract your private key with the following command.
more /var/lib/nyzo/production/verifier_private_seed

This private key will allow access to your funds. Do not share this with anyone else. Do not provide access to your verifier to anyone else. Do not let anyone assist you in setting up a Nyzo node.

Finally, to verify if your node is in the mesh (or atleast in the queue) — go to and look for your username.

If after 24 hours your node is still not in the mesh list, seek assistance in the Nyzo discord.

Happy verifying!

