Liza Beth
2 min readNov 3, 2015

Mobile Stores That Use Refrigerated Sprinter Vans

Traveling salespersons are increasing nowadays although they have been there for quite a long time. They probably started simple things like foodstuffs sometime around the beginning of humankind. Certainly, they have greatly improved from spice traders who had to travel across great deserts to sell their goods to the mobile snake oil salespersons of the nineteenth century.

The modern mobile salespersons have borrowed much from the traditional concepts although they tend to use advanced facilities and latest technology. An interesting current trend is the use of refrigerated sprinter vans as mobile stores for various perishable foodstuffs. They have just taken the work of a mobile salesperson to another level by introducing luxury and great benefits.

Refrigerated sprinter vans integrate the old concept of increasing sales by taking goods near to the customers and the aspect of technology to ensure perishable goods get to the customers in good condition. This kind of van can carry different products depending on the needs of the business. They are designed to accommodate any kind of sale products. The advanced ones come with a few comfortable seats, individual heating and air conditioning, high-end sound systems and headphones. You must check out this article which is a good read.

This is probably all what the sales persons need to make their work even better. Besides, some sprinter vans have a screen television, which the salespeople can use to present adverts and helpful information to prospective customers. The screen also allows connection to live presentation from a different location. This gives a unique experience to both the salespeople and the customers.

Most companies are presently utilizing refrigerated vans to improve on sales and profitability of the company. This is because there are reduced chances goods spoiling before they get to the customers. Additionally, customers appreciate purchasing from companies that take all necessary measures to ensure their products are safe and in good condition.

With all these advantages, starting a mobile sales store using refrigerated sprinter vans gives you a competitive edge. You will certainly reach nigh number of customers since these vans bridge the distance gap from production location to consumption location. Refrigeration lengthens the shelf life of most perishable products significantly reducing losses while giving you more time to sell your products.

There are numerous variations of refrigerated vans. Besides, you may have your van customized to suit any purpose thus the design in only limited to your imaginations. These present a completely new version of mobile stores with more benefits not only to the business owner but also to the customers. If you are eager to learn more ideas, you can go to