What about a break for the independents?

1 min readJun 12, 2018


The NRMA have announced that they have formed a partnership with Caltex Australia to offer its members a 3–5c discount on fuel by using the NRMA app.

At Refueler we ask the question, how does being linked to one brand help both, the consumer and independents?

As we are aware Caltex Australia is taking back ownership of all Caltex servos across the country. We have seen in all national fuel markets, large retail chains have generally influenced fuel pricing cycles putting pressure on the independents and consumers. Are these types of fuel apps really helping anyone?

The Refueler Difference
Refueler will allow consumers to access fuel discounts without being tied to one chain or brand, giving greater convenience and REAL savings. Add to that the advantage of no extra out of pocket expense for the retailers and you will begin to understand the Refueler difference.

What else will the Refueler app do? Get in touch with us to find out. You’ll be surprised.

