Reggie Jamar / Breaking News
1 min readAug 14, 2021

Venezuelan’s bond: $21 million in Swiss account, plane, yacht, lots of Miami condos

In an agreement to get released from a Miami federal lockup, a Venezuelan businessman accused of stealing a fortune from foreign government contracts must secure a $50 million bond with luxury properties in South Florida and a vast sum of money from his Swiss bank account.

Naman Wakil, who was born in Syria before immigrating to Venezuela and later settling in Miami, was considered a risk of flight upon his arrest earlier this month. But federal prosecutors and his defense attorney agreed to the terms of his bond as he awaits arraignment. A magistrate judge on Friday approved the terms of his release before trial.

But there are more steps to secure his massive personal surety bond. Wakil must complete the transfer of $21.3 million from his Swiss bank account to the federal court registry in Miami, while federal authorities place liens on more than a dozen properties, a plane, a yacht and local bank accounts to cover the balance for bail.

Reggie Jamar / Breaking News

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