Calling You

Finding Faith Ministries
1 min readNov 11, 2018


The Christian life is not a condemnation to sorrow and mysery. It is not license to a life of boredom and hardships. It rather brings the mind of God to us, enabling us to stay in His presence. There is no joy that can be compared with being in His presence.
We can not reach out to Him because of our sinful nature but He overlooks that and reaches out to us rather. There are countless testimonies of God reaching out to people outside the church. It is for this reason the message comes to you. No condition, shrine, talisman or idol can prevent Jehovah's visitation. He has made the Supreme Sacrifice on your behalf. God is not afraid nor intimidated by sin, but he is concerned about what sin will do to you. Your only assurance of life is to grab the extended Hand of God through Jesus Christ.

