Wtf is Low-Code?

You should have heard of the popular saying “Time is money”, right?

Reginaldo Inácio
4 min readApr 19, 2023

Well, in the corporate world, this term not only rings true, but is also used as a guide for building new products and services. The truth is that we use technology to solve problems, and the faster these problems are solved more quickly value deliveries will be made.

Large or small problems can be solved with technology, whether it’s to facilitate communication between engineers working on a new vehicle project, to devise a new tool to manage logistics in an industry, or even to create a website for your neighborhood dentist. In all of these cases, time is crucial for success!

In the past, projects were done manually, with drawings made by hand using tools like a drawing board, mechanical pencil, eraser, and ink. The work took much longer, and modifications to the projects were even more time-consuming. Over time and with the development of technology, projects became digital and people began to learn how to use tools that expedite deliveries, but once again the learning curve and solution building delayed deliveries.

Leonardo Dicaprio uses Low Code?

And that’s where Low-Code tools come in!

According to Gartner, one of the world’s largest consulting companies, “Low code is a tool used to rapidly develop and deploy custom applications, abstracting and minimizing or replacing the coding necessary in development.” In other words, it is a way of creating systems by replacing traditional coding that is verbose, complex, and laborious, with a simpler one that operates on a drag-and-drop model-driven interface. Did you get it? Let’s take an example!

Suppose I want to build a homepage for a company. While in traditional development we would need to start by writing all the HTML in addition to styling it with CSS and using a structured interpreted programming language such as Javascript. With Low-code, we can simply click and drag a few elements from a side menu to easily avoid all that work.

Benefits of using Low-Code:

  1. Easier to Learn:
    Low-code app development platforms abstract and automate all stages of the app’s lifecycle. Development is more accessible to users without technical knowledge, with resources that accelerate the development process.
  2. Visual feedback is a lifesaver!
    While you create the application, during the entire application lifecycle, you can preview what is being created in advance, and it is also possible to test all changes without needing to finalize the application completely.
  3. Reusable components!
    How many address registration forms have you created in your life? Wouldn’t it be easier if we only had to create this type of element once? With Low-code, it’s like that… reusable components help speed up project completion, and allow for customizations depending on the specific application’s needs.
  4. APIs can be used!
    Integrating data is essential for building robust solutions. That’s why it’s worth noting that this is possible when using low-code!

Disadvantages of using Low-code:

  1. There is still a lot of resistance against using Low-code.
    The lack of information and even the prejudice of some developers make it difficult to use low-code tools. It can be difficult to find specialized labor to compose teams due, often, to developers’ preference for more traditional high-level languages. According to Renato Asse of the YouTube channel “Sem Codar”, the development of new Devs in code and low code grows much less than the growth curve of the need for these professionals, and one reason for this may be resistance to the new.
  2. It may not be cheap…
    Despite there being various alternatives and prices for Low-Code development, the cost for an application that seeks scalability may be higher than if developed with high-level code. According to the AppMaster portal, “Low-code software platforms can cost from $5 per month to $1,000 per month”, in addition to the cost of Run-Time in some vendors may vary due to charging fees per Run-Time as the application scales the number of users or installations. This makes application scalability unfeasible.
  3. Little Flexibility
    Creating and dragging standard components and limited styling possibilities are some of the points raised by developers who use Low Code tools.

What are the major Market tools?

According to Gartner, the leading Low Code market companies are: Mendix, Outsyxtems, Microsoft, SalesForce, and ServiceNow. All these companies seek to make development accessible to both professionals with years of experience and the so-called “Citizen developer”. Most of these companies have documentation and training accessible to anyone for free, which helps to expand the reach of their technologies.

Low-code is the present so try It!

Certainly! The global market for low-code technologies is expected to reach $26.9 billion in 2023, a 19.6% increase compared to 2022. By 2024, 80% of technology products will be made by professionals who are not technical, and 65% of them will be made on low-code platforms, according to Gartner. The ResearchAndMarkets report (Capgemini) points to accelerated growth in the global low-code platform market. In this decade, the forecast is that the segment will generate revenue of $187 billion.

Thats ̶A̶l̶m̶o̶s̶t̶ All Folks!

I hope this little text has explained a little bit about Lowcode. It’s all very new to me too so if you have any comments or suggestions feel free to contact me :)

Look the Source’s if you want : -> NO CODE & LOW CODE: O que é? Qual o futuro? Cases e exemplos reais

