Regi Aziz Setiawan
6 min readAug 18, 2018

Hello guys, have a nice day! This time I will discuss cryptocurrency exchange. The term cryptocurrency is increasingly being discussed after the rise of various types of virtual money such as Ruby-X began to be much sought after as an investment because of its value that continues to increase fluctuatively. This article will review the basic concepts of Ruby Exchange, how the system works, facts related to the system, and what it tries to offer as a disruption in the financial business order.

So what distinguishes the currency that is currently commonly used, such as the Rupiah, which is also widely used for digital transactions? Ruby-X has a decentralized nature, while the transaction model that is often used in society is centralized.

Watching video Ruby-X

There are many new and upcoming ICOs and many cryptocurrency. Thus, there arose a resurgence of cryptocurrency exchange that helped in the trading of this cryptocurrency and digital assets. Over time, we are aware of the many shortcomings of this trade exchange and we will discuss it. Many of our exchanges currently do not provide sufficient data for traders such as price and volume data. Even if the data is there, it may not be sufficient for a trader to take full advantage. Crypto traders do not like to do blind trades and prefer to have insight into their future trades to make a profit. They like to make exchanges that are very transparent and very efficient in their trade. With a difficult arena for traders on the exchange, and present a new solution in the form of Ruby-X which we will discuss today.

What does Ruby-X mean ?

Ruby-x is a new concept of cryptocurrency exchange that provides an integrated trading service based on blockchain technology. Ruby-x will issue its own token, Ruby (RBY) which will be used as the main currency on its platform. The goal of Ruby-x is to construct an ecosystem with transparent management, secured services, and an expansible platform. Ruby-X exchange is also called stage with straightforward, expandable and insoluble capabilities. In addition, Ruby-X will create its own environment as the number 1 exchange in the cryptocurrency market. The main benefit of this Ruby-X trade is to outline the dream of cryptocurrency trading. This illustrates what is the stage of Ruby’s trading and how does it deliver incentives to its investors.

For what reasons do I need Ruby-X ?

Ruby is the greatest miracle and Ruby means making POC (Proof of Promise) guidelines. Ruby-x and RBY tokens are now in ERC20, but after the basic net expenditure in 2021, RBY will be used as a net money from RUBY standard to form an appropriate organic network. What's more, RBY is one of the Ruby-x central types.

At Ruby-x, RBY, BTC, ETH, and USDT are central cash designs. Ruby Tokens (RBY) can also be traded for other significant monetary standards (ETH and BTC) in Coin-to-Coin Exchange advertisements. We can consider the commission made by trade in connection with the exchange on stage. Clients can use RBY to pay Ruby-x and get discounts

There are three core values Of Ruby-X

The Ruby Exchange activity empowers forthwith, transparent, expandable and unbreakable capacities. For example, straightforward exposure of charges and exchange chronicles, simple trades among cryptographic forms of cash, assets and innovation, and flexible utilization of algid wallets. The venture mean to cause a trade stage where individuals can purchase and offer funds, information and innovation and withal digital currency. The origination is to modernized the way crypto trade is overseen by building a crypto trade stage that is transparent, expandable and unbreakable.

Ruby-x is organizing to do the rebuilding using the blockchain innovation. It means to professionals an answer for these problems by giving a trade stage where financial specialists and merchants would pick up and exchange their ardency, grasping the jubilance of life that is absent in numerous individuals' lives and in other crypto trades. The use of the blockchain innovation will profit diminish cost, bring trust and the much wanted straightforwardness. Ruby-x will apply the verification of contribution(POC) accord system. In the event that really need to ken more about the Ruby-x venture you should visit the task lightpaper . Which contain all the vital information about the undertaking.

Exchange Problem

The most worrying problem with various money-trading trades. In 2014 optically witnessed the hacking of trustworthy bosses from a mechanized money trade that MtGox lost 850,000 BTC. Around comparative time, extortionately Cryptsy and Mintpal lost 13,000 BTC and 3,894 BTC discretely. The problem of correspondence in business can never be overemphasized. Take, for example, news about starting a coin set, coin posting or assume activity is usually passed on in the life of a web predicate, for example, Twitter or Facebook from simultaneous trading at this time because there are no actions for it in different stages of cash trading. This doesn’t work well and is the longest miscommunication by clients who share it with partners and assistants based on their individual tendencies and not in any way because they have all the characteristics of being. Surprisingly, most progressive money trading keeps away from security tokens and weakens their lifting power through their training. My individual is happy to offer you the best RUBY EXCHANGE in the meeting, we are an exchange creature. We started the Ruby Exchange Project, where people can buy and offer resources, information and development as well as computerized cash through the Ruby Exchange. Ruby exchange is a phase with directness, a limit that can be expanded and cannot be solved. Likewise, Ruby will make its own organic settings.

The benefits that you can get because of joining Ruby Exchange

Defining the advantages of Ruby-X will basically represent crypto currencies in general. The first advantage of Ruby-X is its nature as an exchange of crypto currencies, with an increasingly sophisticated Hash Rate (the level of complexity of cryptographic algorithms), public trust is also guaranteed to avoid risks such as counterfeiting. This trust helps the development of a global community that strengthens its position as a currency that is not easily shaken by the conditions of society. The benefits created under Ruby-x’s open statement will be used to create open source Ruby and improve Blockchain to improve Mainnet Enhancement and AI trading steps. To ensure the implementation of advertising and high sign requests, individuals with basic exchanges also finance the use of their go-to-tribune innovations. Finally, to expand Ruby-x, we legitimately welcome box chains and other cryptographic associations legally.

Token Info

In other to fully understand mostly about this token, below is a diagram highlighting the details of the market:

  • Token name RUBY
  • Token RBY
  • Token Protocol ERC-20
  • TOTAL SALES (RBY) 2,000,000,000.
  • TARGET ($) $ 200,000,000.


  • BITCOIN - Min 0.1 BTC
  • ETHEREUM - Min 1 ETH
  • EOS - Min 100 EOS

After the end of sales, that is when we have arrived at the expected market cap, tokens will be allocated to the various persons who contributed or participated in making the program succeed. Below is the allocation table:

Ruby-X Partners

Ruby-X also has a very reliable partner team. the following is the Ruby-X partner team website:

We have seen many exchanges on a daily basis, but in the midst of all this multiple exchange there are some that have commanded great attraction and daily trading volume in million of dollars due to their excellent architecture and services they provides and from the above write-up we believe that Ruby-x can live up to that high expectations also.

For additional information, visit any of the links below:



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Author: Ladyechy