Step Away from 10K: Why a Walking Streak is Never a Good Idea

4 min readDec 5, 2023

Accumulate Steps Over Time Trumps the Daily Grind

Every year, or quarter, I used to come up with new goals around how much I’d walk or run. From setting 10,000 steps as daily goal and crossing them off on a calendar to using a shiny new fitness watch and increasing steps over time, I’ve done it all!

At one point, I was walking 25k steps per day! Up in the morning, walk like a mad woman, take a quick walk during lunch, and come back at it in the evening.

If I set a goal, I achieve it!

However, life always happens, and something comes up. At some point, the goal or streak is interrupted. For good or bad reasons. It could be a week or six months. It doesn’t matter.

Once it is disrupted, I’m done. I stop walking, running, or writing. You can do streaks with everything!

Since the beginning of the year, I have found a better way.

Something I’ve now stuck with since the beginning of January. It is a better way. A healthier way.

The Myth and Lore of the Daily Streak

Why do so many of us actually want to walk or run 10,000 steps a day? Where does it come from?




Hi, I’m new here. I write about productivity tools for techies, journaling, life in tech and how I improve my writing. Building next to my 9-5.