The Fruits of Leadership: Achieving Success and Beyond!

Reginald B. McBride
3 min readMar 12, 2024
The fruits of leadership are bountiful.
The fruits of leadership are bountiful.

Photo by Tim Mossholder

Building leadership skills for professional success is important not only to move a company but also to push society to a better future! The fruits of leadership come in all sizes.

The people we look up to to lead us hold immense power in shaping the direction of our lives. They make decisions that impact everything from economic prosperity and social justice to environmental sustainability and global security. But what exactly are the fruits of leadership? The answer, unfortunately, is not a simple one.

But, at their best, leaders act as architects of the progress of societies and of themselves. Effective leaders prioritize policies that stimulate economic growth, create jobs, foster innovation, and raise living standards. They champion infrastructure development, free trade agreements, or investment in key sectors like technology or renewable energy.

The Able Leader

Leaders are also committed to social justice work so a more equitable society can be made. This involves enacting policies that promote equal opportunities in education, healthcare, and employment.

Good leaders prioritize environmental sustainability and recognize that there is a pressing need to reimagine a more sustainable world. They implement policies that promote renewable energy sources, conserve natural resources, and enforce pollution regulations.

In an increasingly interconnected world, truly effective leaders understand the importance of global cooperation. They work to build international partnerships that address global challenges like pandemics, nuclear proliferation, or cyber threats.

The Fruits of Leadership

Despite the perils, leadership also holds immense potential for positive change. Leaders empower. While reaching your full potential can be done by you and you alone, leaders can create a ripple effect of positive change. This involves fostering civic engagement, supporting entrepreneurship, or investing in education and skills training.

Leaders innovate. Leaders who champion thinking outside the box can better imagine solutions to our most pressing challenges. They are more likely to invest in research and development, promote collaboration between science and industry, and dedicate themselves to fostering creativity and risk-taking.

Leaders are resilient. Leaders guide communities through crises like natural disasters, economic downturns, or social unrest and, through these, build resilience. This involves fostering a sense of shared responsibility, promoting adaptation, and investing in emergency preparedness.

Lastly, leaders inspire. Leaders who embody hope and optimism motivate individuals and communities to strive for a better future. They can articulate a shared vision, promote unity amidst diversity, and celebrate successes along the way.

But remember, leadership is not a singular force. It’s a dynamic interplay between leaders and followers. As subordinates, we have a crucial role to play in critically evaluating the leadership we are offered. This involves analyzing policies, holding leaders accountable, and demanding transparency.

The Perils of Leadership

Leadership, however, is not without its perils. The fruits of leadership can sometimes spoil.

Leaders who consolidate power and disregard democratic principles can lead to authoritarian regimes. These regimes often stifle dissent, suppress civil liberties, and prioritize self-preservation over the needs of the people.

When leaders are driven mostly by personal gain, they engage in corruption, enriching themselves at the expense of the public good. This can create a climate of distrust, impede economic development, and undermine basic services. Leaders who focus solely on short-term gains can neglect long-term challenges like climate change or infrastructure decay. This can lead to a future burdened by unintended consequences.

Be careful also of leaders who exploit popular fears and anxieties to gain power, as it can be detrimental. They may scapegoat minorities, demonize opponents, and implement policies that exacerbate social divisions.

Achieving Success and Beyond!

The story of leadership is an ongoing and unfinished symphony. It’s a story filled with triumphs and tragedies, moments of progress, and periods of regression. Whether leaders take us toward a brighter future or a darker one depends on a complex interplay between the actions of those in power, the choices of the people, and the unpredictable forces of history.

As citizens, we have a responsibility to engage with the story of leadership, to understand the challenges it presents, and to work towards the possibilities it holds. By doing so, we can help ensure that the symphony of leadership continues to play a positive and powerful role in shaping our collective destiny.

Learn more about building leadership for professional success from Jill Fandrich’s slate of books! Her catalog is all available on her blog site, A Book in Time.



Reginald B. McBride

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