Earth Day, Every Day: Reducing Plastic Beyond the Bag

Regina Tuzzolino
5 min readApr 22, 2018


Are you tired of seeing plastic packaging on everything you buy? Are you already doing your part, but wish produce suppliers would try harder, too? If they aren’t making the right changes on their own, here’s how we can show them. By choosing alternatives to plastic-encased goods that are better for us and our planet.

Like many of us, you’ve probably already reduced your use of plastic in the most obvious ways, like reusing grocery bags. Thank you — you’ve made a huge difference in the world!

In fact, a new study conducted under the authority of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, The Netherlands, says:

“(Since) consumers have to pay to have their shopping bagged, the use of plastic bags has fallen by 71 percent.”

Studies elsewhere have shown similar results. But what about all those packaged goods, you ask?

Most bulk bins still only provide — you guessed it — plastic bags.

Unless you drive to your grocery store, carting glass bottles to bulk bins can be difficult for many. To make refilling from bulk bins easier, try bringing your own net bags.

Hemp bags are sturdy, washable, and sustainable. But many suggest using recycled plastic bags to double-down on plastic waste. E planet makes their eco-friendly net bags from recycled plastic bottles.

Planet E reusable mesh bags

Now, what about all that plastic-encased produce? To buy from fresh markets, here’s a cool app that locates fresh markets within the U.S.

American Farmers Markets


American Farmers Markets discovers local Farmers Markets across the United States. Through advanced location-based technology and an extensive Farmers Market database, American Farmers Markets guides users directly to organic, locally-grown, farm-fresh food.

What if you don’t live close to fresh markets? You’re simply out of luck, right? Wrong.

I found a very cool product that lets you grow veggies without a yard or balcony. It’s called AVA Byte.

AVA Byte

AVA soil-less home garden


What makes AVA different from traditionally grown potted plants?

It’s a smart grower that uses no soil and is height adjustable to 21".

Plus, AVA Byte will:

Save 90% on space and water
Use the same energy as a light bulb
Grow produce up to 3X faster than regular methods

What’s more, they have an app that lets you check on your plants while you’re away. Handy if your plant-sitter is less than reliable. :)

Finally, seek out products that use compostable packaging. Some of the best brands I’ve found are:

Zimt Chocolates

Zimt chocolates: Celebrate Earth Day every day


Zimt ingredients are all certified organic. They use coconut sugar and coconut nectar to sweeten the treats. 100% Vegan, and scrumptious, too! I’ve had the macaroons and chocolate bars, and can’t wait to try the hot cocoa.

But wanna know what really sold me?

Zimt donates 1% of their sales to helping those in need. Plus, they’re 100% totally biodegradable - packaging and all.

Are you still buying frozen veggies in plastic? Here’s your alternative.

Stahlbush Farms

Stahlbush Farms: Earth Day, everyday


Not only is Stahlbush using 100% biodegradable packing, but get this:

They generate electricity from fruit and vegetable by-products.

This powers the processing plant and generates steam used in their boilers, hot water for sanitation, and hot air for drying pumpkin seeds.

The leftover material from this process leaves water for irrigation and a rich fertilizer for their crops.

Stahlbush founder, Bill Chambers states: “There is no such thing as waste, only underutilized resources.”

And finally, here’s the future of food packaging.

Be Green Packaging

I’m thrilled to find this “Cradle to Cradle” certified packaging source. It shows that produce suppliers have no reason to use plastic any longer.

Be Green Packaging: No excuses for plastic


I can’t say it any better than their website, so here’s a direct quote:

At the very foundation of our business model, we follow triple bottom line principles and practices that encompass: our supply chain, customers, and communities; our planet and the natural world; and our role in the global, circular economy. From our pulping, to our manufacturing, to our delivery of goods, we adhere to Cradle to Cradle standards and strive to both sustain and enhance our certifications and philanthropic commitments annually.

As we grow, so does our ability to improve our methods, outreach, and impact. Be Green Packaging is a triple bottom line company dedicated to people, planet and profit. This philosophy is embedded in our mission, our goals and in how we measure our success. At Be Green Packaging, we strive to uphold the highest green standards to ensure product quality and performance.

We also consider it a priority to maintain a beneficial presence in our local and global communities. We believe our Eco-Social commitments set us apart from our competition and help build a strong foundation for our relationships with our customers, our employees and the community at large.

Finally, something people don’t realize: You can buy compostable garbage bags and ziploc type bags. There is simply no need to use plastic bags, ever again.

The best brands for that are: BioSAK and BioBag.

About BioBag Canada

Established since 1999, a Canadian Company, BioBag Canada Inc., was the first Company to successfully introduce certified compostable/biodegradable films into the Canadian market. BioBags and films are an environmental solution to paper and polyethylene bags. They can be reused, composted, or incinerated.

Great, right? Here’s where to buy these bags, plus other Earth-Friendly household goods.

What’s next for conscientious consumers?

Email or call your favourite brands. Ask them why they haven’t switched to sustainable packaging. Tell them that you’ve stopped buying from them so that you can reduce plastic waste.

Consumer pressure works. If enough people tell manufacturers that we’re choosing better alternatives, they will change to keep our business.

The world is waking up to plastic pollution. It’s time big business did, as well.

Thanks for reading. I hope this inspires you to support these plastic-free alternatives and encourage others to, as well.

