Flutter/Dart analyzing. Part1 — strong-mode

Sergey Zabelnikov
2 min readDec 19, 2019



Dart is partially dynamically typed programming language and it is the main cons and pros at the same time

Implicit cast

Let’s imagine that you have the following code:

And you might expect that this code will print something, hehe yeeah, it won’t print anything. The exception will be thrown instead

Just another case with Future

This code will compile and again will throw an exception

And the reasonable question: why it’s even possible to compile this? And the answer is because of Implicit cast. Dart supports implicit upcast and downcast by default, so the compiler believes that you know what you are doing and doesn’t make any additional type checks.

But thanks to the Flutter team, we have an option to turn it on!

Strong Mode

So, the very first step to turn compile-time checks is creating analysis_options.yamlin the root directory of your project

And add the following

Note: due it is yaml, be careful with blank characters and empty lines

It literally turns implicit-casts off and now in any of the described cases, you will now see.

This is super convenient for people like me who are used to work in a statically typed world.

Implicit dynamic

So, the second scenario

Here we have two functions, the second one returns String, and the first one returns… wait, will it be Future<int> or dynamic? Ok, that was easy and indeed, Dart allows you to do implicit dynamic types, that might be rarely error-prone.

And again we can add extra param to force compiler (analyzer) to check if we have any implicit dynamics.

And here we go

Note: what2 isn’t underlined because the function has an explicit type in the declaration, so it is not a problem.


The strong mode is a superb tool that helps you to save a lot of time debugging and finding where some implicit cast is broken.

In the second part, we will cover lint for Flutter.

Also considering reading the official documentation about strong-mode https://dart.dev/guides/language/analysis-options


