Copyright: It’s future in India and the FAQs

2 min readJun 1, 2020


India is a land of artists, literary poets, painters, writers, musicians, videographers and more. Basically, if there is an art to speak of, India has it. Therefore, it is only natural for it have copyright laws. Copyright laws allow these artists to safeguard their creations so that only they can reap the benefits. It protects them from being treated unfairly and it gives every artist a shot at earning something doing that they love. Therefore, in this article, we are going to take a deep dive into the definition of copyright and discuss some questions about it.

What are the terms of copyright?

Copyright has several terms and conditions and it’s dependent upon the type of copyrighted material. Some of the common terms and conditions of copyright are as follows:

1. Copyright is valid in the name of the registered till the end of his/her life plus 60 years.

2. When it comes to cinematographic films. Publications and recordings, copyright is for 60 years from the date of publication.

Punishment of violating copyright laws

Copyright laws are confusing and stringent. Therefore, make sure that you have a good lawyer to help you understand. On our end, we are going to help you help you understand what you are capable of once you own the copyright for your work:

1. You have the right to authorship of the original work.

2. You have the right to stop modifying that work.

3. You have the right object against anything that can be done to deteriorate your image in front of your audience.

Now, in case someone commits the latter two of the above points, they can be:

1. Punished into paying hefty amounts of money.

2. Penalty of 50,000 rupees

3. Punishment of upto 6 months in jail.

FAQs about copyright

Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions about Copyright that you need to know about:

1. What you are allowed to protect under copyright?

Anything that’s

literary/cinematographic/videographic/sound/music/recording/painting/story can be protected under copyright. If you have an idea or a design, you can’t copyright it, unless its design is artistic and you want to protect the artistic aspect of that thing.

2. Is copyright registration compulsory?

Generally, as soon as you create something, copyright becomes valid. However, to enforce copyright laws legally, you need copyright registration.

3. What agencies regulate copyright?

There are two centralized agencies that oversee copyright. They are as follows:

1. Copyright Office

2. Copyright Board


In this article, we have told you everything that you need to know about copyright. We didn’t dive way too deep into it but we did enough to make you understand the value of copyright. So, if you have any queries, make sure to contact our copyright specialists.

