Welcome to a world of words and wisdom with Ragnar Legend

Ragnar Legend
3 min readJan 20, 2024


Welcome to the Land of words and wisdom with Ragnar Legend.

Hey there, friends who love to learn and explore!
I’m Ragnar Legend.
Here to take you on an exciting trip through the world of making speeches, understanding money, and getting to know cryptocurrency.

In my special spot on Medium, we’ll go on adventures that mix beautiful words with smart thinking, and tales with tips.

A writer thoughtfully composes a speech at a cozy desk, surrounded by financial newspapers and subtle hints of cryptocurrency, embodying a blend of eloquence, financial savvy, and modern tech insight.
Where Words Meet Wisdom: The Art of Speech Writing in the World of Finance and Cryptocurrency

🌟 Meet Ragnar Legend!

I’m like a smoothie made of different flavors :)
I love playing with words like a poet and I’m super into money stuff, especially the cool puzzle of crypto.

My adventure in life is like a colorful quilt made of all sorts of stories and money smartness.

📝 What you’ll discover here

Awesome speeches:
I create speeches that warm your heart or make you think.
I pick every word super carefully to make sure it sounds just like you want it to.
Money tips:
Sometimes money stuff feels like a giant puzzle.
I’m here to make it easier, giving you tips and tricks to be smart with your cash.
Crypto advice:
Since all cryptocurrency and the tech behind it keep changing, I’m your guide to make sense of all the tricky parts.

💬 Why hang out with me?

Cool reads:
Prepare for stories that teach you cool things, take you on adventures, and get you thinking.
Talking together:
I love to hear what you’re thinking and talk about it.
This is our special place to learn and grow together.
Lots to explore:
From the magic of making speeches to learning about money and Bitcoin, we’ve got a ton to dive into.

🚀 Tag along for fun:

Looking through my posts, you’ll find lots of interesting stuff that can help you out. Whether you want to get better at making speeches, learn some money tips, or get curious about Bitcoin, you’re in just the right place.

🔗 Let’s connect:

Dive into my speech world with the “Portfolio” series, where heartfelt words meet deep feelings.
Please take a look at my money and Bitcoin articles, all sorted out for you.
Jump in, leave comments, and join a crew that loves deep chats and discovering new things.

🌐 Not just on medium:

Looking for a Speech That Pops?
If you want a speech that connects with people, swing by my Etsy Shop for that personal touch that brings your thoughts to life with style.

🐦 Follow me on X: Catch up with me on X @RagnarLegend74 for quick smart thoughts, fun stuff, and the latest updates.
Let’s chat about writing, smart money tips, and the ever-changing Crypto world.

Let’s build a world filled with words that inspire us, teach us, and spark our imagination.

Thanks for coming into my space.

Together, let’s turn pages, go beyond what we see, and start a learning adventure.

Cheers to a world full of amazing words and clever thoughts

, Ragnar Legend



Ragnar Legend

Making cool text about money and crypto. Turning words into awesome talks!