The Anatomy of Browser Rendering: How Web Pages Come to Life

Akhil Regonda
9 min readApr 19, 2023


In a previous article, I explored the Document Object Model (DOM)and how it works in web development. However, as I was writing that article, a question kept nagging at me: how exactly does rendering happen in the browser? We all know that the code we write is converted into the DOM, and the page is rendered based on that DOM. But is that really all that’s happening behind the scenes? I dove into the research to satisfy my curiosity and thoroughly investigated the rendering process. In this article, I’ll share everything I learned about how browsers turn our code into the beautiful, interactive web pages we see on our screens.


Imagine you’re sitting at your desk, scrolling through your favorite website. The images are crystal clear, the text is sharp and easy to read, and the buttons respond instantly to your clicks. Have you ever stopped to think about how all of this is possible? How does a web page come to life before your very eyes?

In this article, we’ll take a journey through the fascinating world of browser rendering. We’ll explore the inner workings of your web browser and uncover the step-by-step process that transforms lines of code into a fully functional, visually stunning web page.

From the initial parsing of HTML and CSS to the final compositing of painted elements, we’ll reveal the secrets of how a web page is rendered. Along the way, we’ll discuss common rendering challenges and explore strategies for optimizing performance.

So buckle up and get ready to dive into the anatomy of browser rendering. By the end of this article, you’ll have a new appreciation for the complexity and beauty of the web pages we interact with daily.


The Rendering Process

The rendering process begins when you open a web page in your browser. This process involves several steps that work together to transform the page's code into a visual display on your screen. The steps involved are:

  1. Parsing HTML
  2. Parsing CSS
  3. Constructing the Rendering Tree
  4. Layout
  5. Painting
  6. Compositing

Now that we’ve set the stage let’s take a closer look at each step of the rendering process. While the process can vary slightly depending on the browser and device used, the fundamental steps remain the same.

1. Parsing HTML

Parsing HTML is the first step in the rendering process. When the browser receives an HTML document, it parses the HTML code to create a tree-like structure called the Document Object Model (DOM). The DOM represents the web page's structure and includes all of the elements and attributes defined in the HTML code.

2. Parsing CSS

The second step in the rendering process is parsing CSS. The browser takes the CSS code associated with the page and creates a separate tree-like structure known as the CSS Object Model (CSSOM). The CSSOM contains all of the style rules defined in the CSS code.

3. Constructing the Rendering Tree

After the browser has created the DOM and CSSOM, it combines the two to create the Rendering Tree. The Rendering Tree combines the DOM and CSSOM, representing the elements on the page and their associated styles.

4. Layout

The Layout step is where the browser calculates the position and size of each element in the Rendering Tree. This is based on the styles defined in the CSS code and the content of the DOM. The Layout step is important for determining the placement of each element on the screen and ensuring that the page displays correctly.

5. Painting

Once the Layout has been calculated, the browser moves on to the Painting step. Painting involves filling in each element with color and creating an image of the page to be displayed on the screen. The browser uses the styles and layout information to paint each element in the Rendering Tree.

6. Compositing

Finally, in the Compositing step, the browser combines all of the painted elements into a final image. This image is then displayed on the screen, completing the rendering process.

Understanding the rendering process is important for web developers, as it can help identify performance issues and optimize the display of web pages. In the following sections, we’ll explore each step in more detail and discuss common rendering issues and optimization strategies.

Parsing HTML

Parsing is analyzing a piece of code to determine its structure and meaning. In the case of HTML, parsing involves analyzing the HTML code to create a structured representation of the content and elements on the page.

When the browser receives an HTML document, it begins by parsing the code. The browser starts at the top of the HTML code and reads through each line, looking for HTML tags, attributes, and content. As it reads through the code, it builds a tree-like structure called the Document Object Model (DOM).


You can learn more about DOM from my previous article.

Common issues with HTML parsing
One common issue with HTML parsing is invalid HTML code. If the HTML code is not well-formed or contains errors, the browser may be unable to create a complete DOM tree. This can result in missing or misplaced elements on the page or errors in the display of the page. Another issue is the presence of JavaScript, which can modify the content and structure of the page after it has been parsed.

Optimization strategies
To optimize HTML parsing, writing well-formed and valid HTML code is essential. This means using correct syntax and adequately nested tags. It’s also essential to keep the HTML code as simple as possible, avoiding unnecessary tags or attributes. In addition, it can be helpful to use tools such as HTML validators to check for errors in the code.

Parsing CSS

CSS parsing is the process of analyzing the CSS code associated with a web page to determine the styles that should be applied to the elements on the page. CSS parsing aims to create a structured representation of the style rules defined in the CSS code.

When the browser receives a web page, it parses the HTML and CSS code. The browser starts by creating the Document Object Model (DOM) tree, as discussed in the previous section. Next, the browser creates a separate tree-like structure, the CSS Object Model (CSSOM), representing the style rules defined in the CSS code.

The CSSOM is a tree-like structure representing the style rules defined in the CSS code. Each CSS rule is represented by a node in the CSSOM tree, with properties such as selector, declaration block, and value.

Common issues with CSS parsing
One common issue with CSS parsing is the presence of invalid CSS code. If the CSS code is not well-formed or contains errors, the browser may be unable to create a complete CSSOM tree. This can result in missing or incorrect styles on the page or errors in the display of the page. Another issue is using complex or inefficient selectors, which can slow down the parsing and rendering process.

Optimization strategies
To optimize CSS parsing, writing well-formed and valid CSS code is essential. This means using correct syntax and avoiding common errors such as missing or mismatched braces. Keeping the CSS code as simple as possible is essential, avoiding complex selectors or unnecessary declarations. In addition, it can be helpful to use tools such as CSS validators or pre-processors to optimize the CSS code.

Constructing the Rendering Tree

The rendering tree is a hierarchical representation of the content and styles on the web page. It’s created by combining the Document Object Model (DOM) tree with the CSS Object Model (CSSOM) tree to determine the final layout and appearance of the page.


To construct the rendering tree, the browser matches each element in the DOM tree with the corresponding style rules in the CSSOM tree. It then applies the styles to each element, computing each element's final layout and position on the page. The result is a hierarchical structure known as the rendering tree, which represents the final appearance of the page.

The rendering tree combines the content and styles from the DOM and CSSOM trees. Each node in the rendering tree represents a visible element on the page, with properties such as size, position, and style. The rendering tree also includes non-visual elements such as script and meta tags, which are not displayed on the page but can affect its behavior.

Common issues with rendering tree construction
One common issue with rendering tree construction is the presence of conflicting styles. The browser must determine which rule takes precedence if multiple style rules apply to the same element. This can lead to unexpected behavior or an incorrect layout on the page. Another issue is using complex or inefficient CSS selectors, which can slow the rendering process and affect page performance.

Optimization strategies
To optimize rendering tree construction, it’s important to write efficient and well-structured CSS code. This means avoiding redundant or conflicting styles and using simple and efficient selectors. It’s also essential to keep the HTML code simple, avoiding unnecessary elements or attributes. In addition, it can be helpful to use tools such as CSS pre-processors or layout frameworks to optimize the rendering process.

Painting and Compositing

Painting is the process of filling in the content and styles of the elements in the rendering tree to create the final visual appearance of the page. This involves applying the computed styles to each element, including background colors and images, borders, and text.

Once the rendering tree has been constructed, the browser performs the painting process in two stages: layout and paint. During the layout stage, the browser computes the size and position of each element on the page, based on the content and styles in the rendering tree. During the paint stage, the browser fills in the content and styles of each element using the computed values from the layout stage.

Compositing is the process of combining the painted elements into the final visual representation of the page. This involves stacking the elements correctly and applying transparency and blending effects as necessary.


Common issues with painting and compositing
One common issue with painting and compositing is complex or inefficient CSS styles, which can slow the rendering process and affect page performance. Another issue is using large or uncompressed images, which can take a long time to load and display on the page.

Optimization strategies
To optimize painting and compositing, it’s essential to use efficient and well-structured CSS styles and to avoid unnecessary or redundant elements. It’s also important to use optimized images and other media, such as compressed or cached files. In addition, it can be helpful to use browser dev tools or performance profiling tools to identify and fix any issues with the painting and compositing process.


  1. The rendering process is complex and dynamic, determining how web pages are displayed in the browser.
  2. The four steps of the rendering process are: parsing and tokenization, constructing the DOM tree, constructing the rendering tree, and painting and compositing.
  3. Each step of the rendering process has its own challenges and optimization strategies, and it’s essential for web developers to understand how the process works to create efficient and responsive web pages.
  4. The rendering process is not a one-time event, and changes to the page content or styles can trigger a new rendering process.
  5. By following best practices and using tools and techniques to optimize each step of the rendering process, web developers can create web pages that load quickly and deliver a great user experience to their audience.

Remember, understanding the rendering process is just one aspect of creating great web pages. It’s also important to consider other factors such as accessibility, usability, and performance to ensure your web pages are accessible and usable to all users.



Akhil Regonda

Frontend & Full stack developer with a passion for creating engaging user experiences.