Benefits of Rehab Walkers

3 min readMay 21, 2022


Walkers and rollators are mobility aid devices designed to assist people who have problems moving around to enjoy greater freedom and independence. People with injuries, disabilities, and older people are at an increased risk of falling, and hence they choose to use walkers to move around.

Types of Walkers

Walkers, also known as Zimmer frames, are made up of a metal framework with four legs that offer stability. Basic walkers have a three-sided frame that surrounds the user. The user holds the frame on either side, lifts it and places it further in front of them, and then moves forward to meet the walker. There are several types of walkers including;


They consist of a frame with four wheels at the bottom, hand bars and a seat. Instead of the user lifting the entire walker, they have to push it forward. Hand brakes are installed as a safety feature.

Knee walker

Also known as a knee scooter, it’s similar to the rollator, but the user can rest their knee on a padded cushion and use their stronger leg to propel themselves forward.

Walker-cane hybrid

It is a cross between a cane and a walker. It has two legs rather than a full-frame, providing more support than a standard cane.

Benefits of Walkers

Walkers have been the go-to mobility aid for senior citizens for decades, with a 50% increase in walker use in the last decade. Without rehab walkers, many people would be unable to move freely in their homes, and they wouldn’t be able to go outside either. Finding an adult walker for sale for your loved one provides them with benefits such as independence, reduced pain, and increased self-esteem. Other benefits include;

Safer Walks

Those who have arthritis or a leg or hip injury might struggle to maintain balance and fall over. Purchasing a 4 wheel walker with 8-inch wheels could be the best solution for them to take safer walks. The risk of falling is reduced with a walker, whether they’re walking around the house or block. With a stair climbing rollator, the user can access areas of the home they couldn’t reach before.

Longer Walks

Walking is advised mostly for people with injuries because it helps them regain strength, resilience, stamina and balance. When using a walker, the user places most of their weight on the frame, making it more comfortable to walk longer distances and for an extended period. The walker offers extra support and bears some of the user’s weight, placing less stress on their body.

Ability to Rest if Needed

While taking a walk, the user might need a break to catch their breath. A walker comes with a cushioned seat where the user can sit and regain their energy. The seat also acts as a safety measure because the user can sit to avoid falling when they get tired. This feature is convenient and vital for most users’ health and well-being.

When looking for mobile aids, large wheel walkers for sale are the top choices for most because they’re practical and affordable to people with disabilities. They also have numerous benefits mentioned above.

As with any mobility walking aid device, choosing just the right walking aid for yourself or a loved one can be a challenge. There are many different factors to consider such as stability, comfort, where and how the device will be used, and what is the strength of the user, etc. RehabPulse has a wide selection of Rollators and Walkers to match your particular needs, our product experts will be happy to help. Please call RehabPulse 18772342018 for all your Rollators and Walkers questions or chat online.

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At RehabPulse we offer Gateway of freedom and independence to those individuals who find it difficult to accomplish challenging activities and are limited