Five Pillars of Islam

Muhammad Rehman
2 min readSep 19, 2019


The “five mainstays of Islam” are religious obligations that give a system to a Muslim’s life. These obligations are performed consistently and envelop obligations to God, to individual profound development, to think about poor people, self-restraint, and penance.

In Arabic, “arkan” (columns) give structure and hold something consistently set up. They offer help, and all must be available for the structure to adjust relentlessly. The articles of confidence give an establishment, addressing the topic of “what do Muslims accept?” The Five Pillars of Islam help Muslims to structure their lives around that establishment, responding to the topic of “how do Muslims certify their confidence in everyday life?”​

Five Pillars of islam

Islamic lessons about the Five Pillars of Islam are found in the Quran and the Hadith. In the Quran, they are not plotted in a flawless shot pointed rundown, yet are fairly scattered all through the Quran and underlined insignificance through reiteration.

The Prophet Muhammad mentioned the five mainstays of Islam in a bona fide portrayal (hadith):
“Islam has been built upon five [pillars]: testifying that there is no deity but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, performing the prayers, paying the zakah, making the pilgrimage to the House, and fasting in Ramadan” (Hadith Bukhari, Muslim).

Shahadah(Profession of faith)

Above are the five pillars of Religion Islam. Every Muslim of the world has to faith in these five pillars. There are Some other kind deeds for Muslims like Performing Umrah and helping poor people and brotherhood. Many Muslims from Dubai get Umrah Visa from Dubai and Umrah Packages from Dubai and go to Makkah to perform their Umrah pilgrimage.



Muhammad Rehman

I am Muhammad Rehman from Pakistan and I am a Web Developer and Article Writer.