The Above. And The Avatar.

Rehman Cee
2 min readJan 18, 2022


There are forces of nature. Forces in the universe, that relate to this dimension. That relate to this dimension of time and space. That detract us, distract us from being whom we are. We are a spiritual being challenged by the gauntlet of time and space. The material dimension to express who we are. So the forces of nature focus on who we are as a human being. Subject the human being to their powers. Yet we are a spiritual being. And the journey is to override that. Get out of that. Liberate oneself. The spiritual self from the dimension of physics. From the forces of nature. To be the thing that you actually are. Your ‘higher self’. The spirit. And then the journey is to go back in. Go back into time and space ‘released’. And then the forces of nature, the laws of physics don’t have any bearing on you. Then you are ‘God Consciousness’ expressing its reality through you. The human being. We are just a ‘medium’. An avatar. For something greater. Higher. Superior. That is magical. Mystical. That has no care for the material. And can do anything. That magical and mysterious thing is ‘light’. Light itself. Pure energy. Pure potentiality. And we can do anything. Transcend anything. If we surrender. And if we believe. Surrender is only an acknowledgment to our higher self. To our spiritual self. Our spiritual being. It is a recognition that the world operates in dual frequencies. ‘As above. So below’. The ‘below’ is the default state. The above. Is our real state. Our Higher Self. The below is our ‘avatar’. The above is who we actually are. Surrender. Peace.

Live. Love. Be.


Greatness is my journey

Greatness is the key

Greatness is my signal

Greatness is who I want to be.

I want to be One.

Greatness is the Signal. The signal is My Ideal. My ideal is One.



Rehman Cee

The 02A Mindset (Zero To A) is The Mindset of Uncertainty. Those who can master uncertainty, master life. My thoughts + conversations on the 02A Mindset: