Believe in Yourself

“Secret of Success.”

Saima AbdulRehman
3 min readSep 4, 2019

Though it’s very easy to say that “Believe in Yourself” but it’s not so easy as the words seem to be.

In our life we suffered with many failures which lead us toward disappointment. So it’s very tough to trust and confident again. But you know if you believe, you’ll never fail. The doubts are the killer of your faith and belief in yourselve. We must retrain ourselves to get rid of our doubts and feers. Always remember that what you’ve in your life is a result of your belief and it can be possible if you’re sure, if you are confident enough.

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything that requires faith and believe in yourself, vision, work hard, determination and dedication. Remember all these things are possible to those who believe.”

-Gail Devers

Once in my University life, my friends and I was studying. I simply inquired from my friends that what they anticipated about their CGPA next. They were not sure about that, in fact they were less confident. The same question they asked from me. I confidently reply that it would be 3.7/4 CGPA. They laughed and taunted me because my last CGPA was less than all of them. They asked why are you so sure, I told them that it’s my belief and it will be. At last my belief won and my CGPA was exactly 3.7/4. If I believed for more than it could be greater than 3.7/4.

This is how belief come into your life and enlighten you with what you want.

Yet this belief can’t come in a short time to me. I was also less confident about my dreams. But with the passage of time I realized and observed that one who believe and put efforts to his dreams confidently, get succeeded.

Once in my college life, the competition of badminton held in our college sports festival. Our house leader selected me as a single badminton player. But I was doubtful either I could be a winner or not because the opponent girl was the winner of last three years at university level. But my house leader calmed and told me to believe in myself. I believed and the first round was mine. But in second round I became overweening and careless, so I lost the game. This thing taught me that one should be humble and constant while having belief and this is the only thing which came to you with time.

Break out the wall between you and your dreams by thinking I can’t to I can, by believing in yourself.

Believe in yourself from now on.

