Helicopter Sightseeing A Fantastic View Of The World

Am Aviation
5 min readAug 24, 2023


Helicopter Sightseeing A Fantastic View Of The World

Imagine flying over picturesque landscapes, famous landmarks, and breathtaking views from the comfort of your helicopter seat. Helicopter sightseeing tours offer a unique and exciting way to experience the beauty of the world from perspectives few get to experience. Whether you want to explore a new city, marvel at a majestic natural wonder, or capture an unforgettable sight, helicopter sightseeing tours provide an unforgettable adventure.

Wonders Of The Air: The Joy of Helicopter Sightseeing

Helicopter sightseeing tours offer a truly extraordinary way to experience the wonders of the world. Unlike traditional modes of travel, helicopters can access remote and hard-to-reach areas, providing a new dimension of exploration. From the majesty of the Grand Canyon to the urban splendor of New York City, these tours offer unrivaled bird’s-eye views.

See iconic places from the sky: Helicopter flights allow you to admire iconic places that have left an indelible mark on history and culture. Imagine flying over the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, or the Sydney Opera House and capturing a unique perspective that showcases the intricacies of these architectural marvels.

Brilliant natural wonders: Viewed from a helicopter, natural wonders take on breathtaking new dimensions. Gazing at the rushing waters of Niagara Falls, the vibrant colors of the Great Barrier Reef or the serene beauty of the Swiss Alps from above can give you an unprecedented insight into the natural beauty of our planet.

Upgraded City Exploration: From A Helicopter Perspective, Skyscrapers, Busy Streets, and City Lights Come to Life. Cities like Dubai, LAS VEGAS, and TOKYO A Reformed into Expansive Landscapes of Light and Motion, Offering Views that Trury Capture the Essence of Urban Life.

Thrill Of Adventure

In addition to the breathtaking scenery, helicopter sightseeing tours offer an undeniable thrill. The feeling of floating in the air, the wind blowing against your face, and the sense of freedom of movement make these trips unforgettable experiences.

Adrenaline and altitude: For the more adventurous, the chance to feel the rush of the wind as the helicopter soars to dizzying heights is an attraction in itself. The juxtaposition of serene landscapes and fast-paced excitement creates an unforgettable adventure that will captivate adventurers.

Photo Opportunities: Photography enthusiasts can attest to the unparalleled benefits of helicopter tours. With unobstructed views and the ability to quickly cover vast areas, these tours provide photographers with an incredible trove of shots to capture moments impossible to re-create on the ground.

Personalized Experience — Helicopter tours often have the advantage of being personalized. Whether it’s a romantic flight for two or a family outing, the privacy of a helicopter cabin can personalize the experience and create lasting memories for all types of travelers.

Safe And Comfortable

Safety is paramount for any type of travel, and helicopter tours are no exception. Well-known travel agencies abide by strict safety regulations to ensure that passengers can enjoy their journey with peace of mind.

Experienced Pilots — Helicopter tour companies employ highly trained and experienced pilots who are familiar with flying in a variety of terrains and weather conditions. Their experience guarantees a safe and trouble-free flight.

State-of-the-art equipment: Modern helicopter tour operators use state-of-the-art helicopters equipped with advanced safety features. From the navigation system to the emergency protocols, these helicopters are designed with the well-being of the passengers at the front.

Pre-flight briefing: Passengers typically receive a pre-flight briefing, which includes safety procedures, travel itinerary, and possible turbulence. This information ensures passengers are well prepared and aware of what to expect during their journey.

Environmental Considerations

While helicopter tours provide an incredible experience, it’s important to consider your impact on the environment. Tour operators are increasingly adopting green practices to minimize the carbon footprint of these trips.

Elevate Exploration: The Magic Of Helicopter Sightseeing Tours

Imagine floating in the air, gliding gracefully over some of the world’s most famous landscapes, bustling cities, and natural wonders. Helicopter sightseeing tours offer a unique opportunity to experience the world from a unique and exciting perspective. These tours go far beyond the confines of traditional travel, offering an unforgettable adventure combining breathtaking scenery, unrivaled transportation, and an adrenaline rush.

Unrivaled Perspective

Helicopter sightseeing tours offer breathtaking views that cannot be replicated by traditional travel methods. Whether you’re flying over a sprawling metropolis, exploring rugged terrain, or admiring the intricate details of a historic site, the helicopter’s vantage point is unmatched.

Enjoy cityscapes from the air: The city’s skyscrapers, bridges, and monuments come to life from above. Helicopter flights over cities like New York, Dubai, and Tokyo offer a bird’s-eye view of the urban jungle, revealing the complex web of human innovation.

The splendor of nature: From roaring waterfalls to verdant forests, helicopter tours bring you up close to the splendor of nature. Flight locations such as the Grand Canyon, the Great Barrier Reef, or the Amazon jungle provide a perspective that showcases the scale and beauty of these natural wonders.

Historical and cultural treasures: The aerial view of historical sites and cultural relics has a completely different charm. Whether it’s the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu or the Pyramids of Giza, a helicopter tour can reveal the architectural splendor and historical significance of these sites in a way that land exploration can’t.

The thrill Of Flying

In addition to stunning imagery, helicopter sightseeing tours offer an adrenaline-fueled adventure to impress.

Takeoff Sprint: The moment the helicopter lifts into the air is an experience in itself. Feel the power of the aircraft, the sense of weightlessness, and the increased distance from the ground, creating an intoxicating height that sets the tone for the entire journey.

Freedom In The Air: Unlike commercial flights, helicopters are maneuverable and can get up close to landmarks and terrain. This freedom of movement allows the pilot to take you to remote and hard-to-reach areas, adding an element of discovery to adventure.

Photo Opportunities: Photography buffs can get their money’s worth with a helicopter tour. Unobstructed views, changing perspectives, and dynamic lighting conditions provide the ideal environment for stunning photos that stand out in any portfolio.

Safety And Professionalism

Safety on helicopter tours is paramount, and certified operators take the well-being of their passengers seriously with strict safety measures.

Experienced Pilots: Experienced and licensed pilots who have undergone extensive training ensure a smooth and safe flight. Their experience with different terrains and dealing with all weather conditions will ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Well-Maintained Aircraft: Established tour operators have well-maintained fleets of modern helicopters equipped with advanced safety features. A regular inspection and maintenance program ensures optimum performance and passenger safety.

Pre-Flight Briefing: Before departure, passengers receive a comprehensive pre-flight briefing, which includes safety protocols, emergency procedures, and an itinerary overview. This information provides passengers with the knowledge they need to enjoy the experience responsibly.

Environmental Considerations

As the tourism industry takes sustainability more seriously, helicopter tour operators are taking steps to minimize their environmental impact.

Efficient technology: Helicopter manufacturers are developing models that are more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly. This shift to cleaner technology reduces emissions and noise pollution during rides. Conscious Flight Paths — Operators design flight paths to minimize disturbance to wildlife habitat and reduce noise pollution in communities. This demonstrates our commitment to preserving the natural beauty of explored areas.



Am Aviation

AM Aviation was founded from a desire to learn. In late 2018 with no helicopter services available in the Omaha area. http://Amaviation.co/